Does Starcraft II really need Heart of the Swarm?

So your this "Tom Chick" that people talk about. Congratulations! Another person has read your utter drivel. That takes some skill I think....

Sorry that should be "you're"...but who really cares

Campaign totally sucks. Multiplayer meh.
If you're into multiplayer you should buy this if not I don't think you will enjoy HotS all that much because they clearly didn't care about the story.

I forgot to add that somebody is deleting my comments which are an honest opinion about this crap game expansion.

Or use Swarm Hosts as early game siege (all Zerg used to have was Broodlords for siege) and have Hydras to protect them. Or, with air units more viable an option for Protoss, anti-air units all become extra useful.

Or maybe he just meant the walk speed increase Hydras got from the expansion...


HUGE props to you for responding to so many comments. Really appreciate that in a writer, even when I disagree with them.

tom chick u r obviusly the worst publisher by far in this site
did you actually play with this game or just copied your sponsors text

Wow...with that review you lost a lot of my respect.
Not enough skill to appreciate MP changes, and not enough interest in the SC2 franchise to appreciate the SP campaign. To not like a game is perfectly fine but this review is without any foundation and any understanding.
I linked your Civ5 Gods and Kings Review a couple of times and while I think you were right there for the most part, I feel somewhat dirty now and will be very cautious about future referrals.

Why such harshness? Because someone is criticizing your beloved? How precious. Lets face it, Starcraft is not what it used to be. Hell, back in '99 I practically rocketed home after school to play the original Starcraft. There was an excitement about it. Same with Diablo 2. However, I can not say the same about Starcraft 2, or Diablo 3 for that matter. Blizzard takes so long to make games, I really expect perfection. Honestly I could go on and on for days about what I dislike about Blizzard's recent sequels, but I would not dare speak such negativity while in such fragile company. So, I will just say that the legacy known as Starcraft has died, replacing it with this dysfunctional, conceptually impoverished, inarticulate, theatrically melodramatic, ego driven, and pop cultivated malformed replicative contagion. My only hope is years from now when a GOOD company acquires the rights to resurrect/remake the now retrospected revolutionary relic known as Starcraft, we will reminisce about the horror of SC2, and like any plague we will be thankful that it has passed. Although, considering the intense proselytizing SC2/D3 has received, such a future is unlikely.

This seems like a review that probably shouldn't have been written at all. I understand that Tom feels the need as a game critic to review most major releases, but it seems as if you don't understand the game well enough to make a judgement on its quality. I for one know little about Starcraft multiplayer because it's just not for me and I imagine if I played this I would find the story underwhelming and the multiplayer overwhelmingly complicated. This might leave me with a negative impression of the game but I would not try to give my opinion to others who might be interested simply because I would feel unqualified in doing so.

Your idea is ridiculous on its face. You are telling me you think Tom gets enough benefit from one relatively heavily viewed article to be worth all the bad feeling from the people coming here from Metacritic? Because all these people are coming here, bad mouthing Tom, then leaving, never to visit the site again one would imagine.
You are just butt hurt that he didn't like the game you like and gave it a low score when you think it should have a high score.
Grow up and learn that in the grand scheme of things a bad review shouldn't impact your personal happiness in any way unless you actually made the game.

A bunch of extra clicks on one article won't do much in that regard.

He didn't ask to be counted among them.

Now you are an angry one, aren't you? How cute. I can just see the spittle flecks at the corner of your mouth.

Oh snap, you really told Tom Chick of QT3 off. He'll probably be thinking about that one in the shower tonight.

Yes, move along, why don't you already.

You should e-mail them about it Ray, since you feel so strongly...

Judging from this comments section I think he does.

Except it is relevant. These games are not divorced from their price tag. Most gamers have a budget and can't buy every game that comes out. I am glad Tom will touch on that if he thinks it is important.

Or did cancer come down with a serious case of you?