Domina: a game made by a man who wants you to know he has a girlfriend

LOL, dude’s a textbook incel. It’s obvious he’s never touched a woman in his life. How can anyone mistake insecurity this towering for anything but what it is?

Yeah, I mean his persona. I doubt anyone making a stats-heavy gladiator video game is also a hulking beast man. Though I can dream.

pretty pathetique, that the only outlet for his alt-right fantasies are patch notes. This makes me think there is no one who wants to listen to his crap.

I only wished, that he made his views more clear in his game, like a real man would do. Step up to own beliefs. Than I could have just skipped buying a garbage game.

Think of a movie director, who expresses his views in the credits after the movie rolled, but not in his movie. Unfortunately, I have created this thread for a game I already forgot about after a couple of hours of playing.

The creator seems like he’s kind of a dick, but that doesn’t necessarily make his creations bad. The Domina soundtrack rocks, I will say that much. I apparently never got around to buying the actual game.

Plenty of people with abhorrent beliefs (some about women, no less) still manage to fuck. This guy doesn’t sound like anyone I’d like to hang out with, that’s for sure, but I like gladiator stuff and wish I’d gotten in on the $1 bundle thing. Doesn’t seem like it’s gone on sale for over a year now.

Yup, but they’re not nearly as insecure about it as this guy.

I don’t know about you guys but I’ve got a few hundred games at least that I’ve been waiting to get to. So to come in now and talk about how this is actually a good game and who cares that he’s a piece of shit is just throwing up the flag that you support pieces of shit. This isn’t some cultural touchstone that we have loved forever, you don’t need to come here to defend him.

But thanks for giving us more info about you.

Apparently all publicity really is good publicity. Ugh.

Yeah, no. Don’t buy the game, ask for refunds, negatively review it, that’s all cool. I have no intention of supporting him at this point. My point is that someone sucking does not suddenly make the thing they made bad, it makes it something you should probably not spend money on. These are two different things.

Like, Joss Whedon is an abusive piece of shit and now that we know that, nobody should give him money. Also, I really like Buffy and Firefly, and him being an abusive piece of shit does not suddenly mean they were always bad shows (which some people seem to be leaning into in the discourse these days).

Yeah, we even have a whole thread about creator vs creation stuff somewhere in the forum.

Well, that’s one way to scuttle your project.

Did he really change the name to Dominus? I thought the whole point of the theme was that you are a woman in a man’s world. Seems pretty.

Needless to say he claims he has been “cancelled.”

That’s a pretty clear case of being cancelled.

Now, I don’t see the problem with it, if I go to a store and throw poop all over the place, I expect them to throw me out.

Gab social tab too lol.

Yes, to mock trans people.

Well, it seems to me it was what he was trying to get in the last two weeks. So good job I guess.