Dominions 5 - Pretender to the Throne!

thats exactly what happened to me too

Now I don’t think anyone’s unhappy, it’s just that i think it’ll be a better game and a better experience for all of us if we redo, and as you said, it’s quick to get us from turn 1 to 15.

I think it’s just up to @mysterio to weigh in with a for/against

Well, whatever ends up happening, as opaque as this game is, I think I’m pretty well hooked on it, now.

I’m fine either way. Yeah, I’m not a fan of where I started, but that’s just the way it is. I’m not not having fun. :-)

Should we restart
  • Yes
  • No
  • No Opinion

0 voters

i’m the only one that’s bothered by it so, at this point, i think it’s a no

I got you.

Everyone, don’t forget to check out Dominions Inspector.
Keep in mind, you can click on Mod links, and you should find Worthy Heroes ( and Lucids Thematic GemGenV163. You can also load the from your computer.

Sadly, Zonk hasn’t gotten around to uploading a copy to the system, so you have to upload it yourself.

so, if we’re going to restart - let’s restart. If we’re going to continue, lets continue, but either way, lets make a decision and get on with it

Looks like the vote ended with three Yes and three No Opinion, so a restart it is? I won’t be submitting any new turns, then, for the current game, and will wait for the new game to be created.

You all should count your blessings, as I was about to break loose. Perhaps you’ve heard the famous line: Nobody puts Bogarus in a corner! (Yeah, I’m full of ka-ka.)

I’ve recreated the game settings, new game thread is here:

lets keep the old one around till we get off to a good start

Same Pretender submitted!

I want to thank @legowarrior for his effort in organizing PretendersoftheEarth and providing newer players with useful resources. Hope everyone enjoys themselves in PretendersoftheEarth2!

Is it not cool to redo your pretender if you feel like a lack of game knowledge made you gimp your first one?

I’m gonna tweak mine.

I say go for it! Heck, this is @pyrhic’s game, but if people want to select new nations, I won’t be against it.

I am wondering if Larger would be cool on Nagas.

technically, it’s my game, but untechnically, it’s not and i’m just facilitating. Everyone’s free to do what they want to do



Of course! Makes sense, now.

Is there someone not involved in this game who might be willing to give me some very brief (i.e. either-or) advice between two pretender builds I am considering? They are quite close to each other, and although I’ve Done Some Reading I am not sure of the nuances that might distinguish the one from the other.

There are 3 good discord channels that will be glad to offer you advice on your builds.

I would suggest Immersion, because it’s one I don’t go to, so I won’t see.