Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith

so i’m in. I’m thinking of something pretty conventional, maybe?

Hmmm…I wonder if a water wars campaign is doable? Virtually all ocean, all water powers, with maybe one crazy land island to fight over? Or maybe Something like warring city-states…where we all have a small island, but lots of water…

I like your thinking, but depends on the map, or what’s out there. I think I saw a map a while ago which had distinct ports connecting islands together as a land connection which I think is the better way to do it.

I wonder if that opens the way for a 2-team game - one team underwater, one team terrestrial. It would likely end in some sort of crazy deadlock though. Doesn’t even have to be a disciples game, though probably better that way.

I feel that most water powers are inferior to most land powers. Maybe that’s not true, but it feels it. So any land vs sea conflict tilts towards to the land in my mind…

I’ve actually been playing a lot Dominions 5 and CoE5, and I’d love to join if there’s room.

I think I have to sit this one out. To much travel in the near future, sadly.
I will, of course, give out unsolicited and likely bad advice and commentary during the duration of it, however.

Oh man, I can’t wait to get a bunch of sage advice from you that I will not understand and probably unwittingly ignore.

Well, good for you that we’re kinda slow rolling this one up, i imagine it’ll take weeks to get started, so you’re near future plans can remain uninpeded.

Yes: pyrhic, strato, scottya koblex, kolbex’s cat
maybe: dfs? I mean, you didn’t say no…
maybe: akaoni? I mean, you did say no, but that was near future dependent…

I will be keen to play an underwater nation.

Depending on era, if it is ma, I’ll gladly try Ys again. Nothing quite beats some cave crabs emerging from the depths, clickity click with their pincers led by the flame haired vixens of the depths, the Morgan princesses on their amphibious steeds.

I’m trying to resist the temptation. If you’ll have an open spot by the time the game starts, I may ask to let me join.

I’m in. (with the understanding that I will be out of commission for a week there in August.)

Any word on a Dominions 6 in the works? Seems like they are about due for another release.

It won’t come out until you are half way through an Epic Multiplayer Game that you personally have a chance at winning.
That’s just how it goes.

I guess I should get started then.

They’re waiting until you buy CoE5.

No Dominions 6 news, but my favorite Mod, CBM, came out with a new version.
Dom5 Balance Mod Collab - Google Docs

I’m trying out my favorite Faction, MA Machaka.

It’s coming…

When compared to earlier iterations of the game this one has more changes than any previous version, both mechanics-wise and UI/QoL-wise.



I wonder what the new mechanics are.

I’ve noticed that every edition is better balanced then the previous edition (although not as balanced as what every ‘balanced’ mod that had already come out for the previous edition), so I’m curious to see the state of this.

It will probably mean a brand new Wiki, and who knows how the discords will be reshuffled.

(Oh, I hope they put the game on Epic! This would be an easy purchase if I can get a 10 dollar coupon)

One of these years/releases I will actually take the time to learn this damn game. Is there a spell to banish adhd?

Same, brother. Same.