Dragon Age sequel official

I’m not going to start overreacting based on as little evidence as we have now. But if they go the ME2 route with this I’ll freak out. That would be a bad, bad, bad idea that would completely remove from DA what made it so special for so many people.

All of you people badmouthing on ME2 should go high five a rat trap.

It’s not a theory. Dragon Age was designed for the PC, and the PC version was almost good to go by late 2008 based on my discussions with people from BioWare.

Also, from a business perspective, why would they convert Dragon Age to have combat like Mass Effect 2? Seems to me that it makes sense to have two different games, rather than two of the same kind of game. That way, you can please all of the fans with at least one of them. You know, like Spaghetti Sauce.

I won’t freak out. I just won’t buy it, and will declare the series dead to me.

However, one hopes EA realizes that the whole point of having different franchises in the first place is to reach different audiences.

I am not thrilled that the main character is one guy/gal named “Hawke” rather than a character created by me with a choice of origins.

Dragon Age is a game first and foremost about crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of the women.

There’s enough room in that capsule description for you to still choose your origin, except Hawke doesn’t sound like a very Dwarfy last name. Probably the region we’re going to doesn’t have dwarfs.

Sounds like it’s only human, but you can pick the gender.

Re-read my post.

I agree fully with this. Pare the RPGish elements off Mass Effect and you have something that’s closer to a shooter. Pare the RPGish elements off Dragon Age and you have something that’s closer to nothing.

I’m kinda glad that DA2 doesn’t seem so closely connected to the first game as ME2 was. Once it’s actually out I likely won’t remember half of the sidequests I did in DA and I’d definitely be miffed if there were connections to the DLC that I never bought. Starting over with a new character avoids those barriers.

Just in case no one else caught this one, Tim James just admitted that he’s “all the people”. All of them. So next time you’re annoyed at all the people who keep merging out of a closed lane at the last second, slowing traffic? You’re mad at Tim James. Next time you’re cursing all the people who smoke on your condo’s backstep which blows in through your window fan? You’re cursing Tim James. And next time you just want to thank all the people who made this magical day possible, you’re thanking Tim James.

Tim James, everybody. He’s all the people.

Not sure if I understand the direction they are going but I’m sure it will be full of enchantment!

ME2 had far superior combat, I’ll give you that.

On the other hand, I hated that 90% of the game was recruiting and loyalty missions, the actual main mission plot was pretty threadbare, all the RPG elements were ripped out wholesale, generic “ammo” is bullshit, the paragon/renegade interrupt quicktime events pissed me off, forcing me to reload whenever I missed one, the missions were effectively straightforward linear corridors, the hub exploration areas were far too small and lacking the expansive impact of ME1 (I particularly missed getting to run around the Presidium), planet mining (nuff said), and the end boss was just plain ridiculous. I thought it was a joke, like that matrix videogame where they had the giant robot Agent Smith. Actually, it was exactly like that.

ME1 was a RPG with shooter combat. ME2 was a shooter with dialogue.

I know the internet is flush with douches, but after telling people to shove their hands in mouse traps, then going here… it just seems juvenile. Actually, forget it, I don’t really care.

The fight like a Spartan comment makes me wonder if they will try a new, more God of War mish mash meets pausible real time mish mash. I guess I wish them success and I also understand how they could look at Dragon Age in hindsight and realize the PC combat may have been too old school. I guess I’d be curious what the PC versus console sales figures were like and if that has anything to do with a potential new direction. Or maybe they have been bitten by the same bug that made PoP The Warrior Within go goth with cheesy hard rock.

Thank God I’m not all the people. I was thinking I’d have to high-five a rat trap there for a second, for having bad thoughts about Mass Effect 2. Phew!

This is a relief. Hawke is not Morrigan’s demonspawn.

Hawke is a terrible name. I can’t help but think of Jan Michael Vincent.

Can everybody please add “the slayer” after his name? Pretty please?