Dragon Quest IX

How is this in regards to depth and story compared to the other 2 DQ on DS?

I just tried it for a few minutes on an emulator but it seems rather shallow and childish. These RPGs seem to have lost their charms and subtleties.

Thanks, I buy a lot of comics trades from Amazon, and I like the idea of preordering them in batches.

I’m pretty sure no one has posted this yet, but if so, I apologize profusely for any redundant link. Giant Bomb has a Quick Look up of this right now.

I just picked it up as well and haven’t had a chance to get to far yet. I think I shall be playing it deep into the night.

The story so far seems to play out in fairly classic style, go to town, learn about the town’s problem, solve towns problem, move on to next town. You’re the classic silent hero whose emotions are only slightly conveyed through the reactions of your constant companion Stella and the people you help. DQ4 and DQ5 were a lot more character driven than other older RPGs. Of the DQ games I’ve played the one this is most comparable too is DQ7, only with less character interaction out of your main and your party but with an overarching goal that shows up a lot sooner than DQ7s. The skill system seems to be a hybrid of DQ7 and DQ8. There are jobs and class switching like 7, but you learn skills via a point system like DQ8. Spells don’t carry over between jobs but skills do for the most part. Although the weapon based skills all require that you’re equipped with said weapon to use. So far combat has been standard DQ, use buffs and debuffs while nuking, attacking and healing. For me personally the quest system and the alchemy pot have been the two biggest things drawing me in.

I love the localization they’ve done. The boss fight for Alltrades Abbey has one of the best/worst puns I’ve ever seen in a game.

Got to the point where I acquired the Alchemy Pot, before sleep and the DS’s battery light told me it was time to put down the game. Having a blast so far with the game. Looking forward to when it opens up more, but I haven’t felt constrained yet which is good.

Played it for like 15 minutes, seemed good, but i remain doubtful. My friend says it is the best game ever, but i still think that Infinite space is probably better.

It sure starts slowly…jeez.

How is the customization of your party? I’ve been looking for another RPG that lets me create my own custom party like in Etrian Odyssey .

You’re initially locked into a class for the main character, which you can change later. The other three members you can build as you see fit.

It hurts the storyline somewhat, as all your characters are generic, but your whole party is customizable. There are 6 starting vocations, with another 6 unlockable. Your party can have 4 characters, and you can have a total of 8 hanging around at the Inn.

You can also change a character’s vocation after a fairly early point in the story: They’ll start at level 1 in the new job, but keep any skills you’ve assigned them.

Haha, you think this is slow? Go play DQ7.

Isn’t DQ7 the longest and with the most convoluted story, though?

No kidding. I think it was nearly two grueling hours before I had my first battle in DQ7. Ouch.

And then a good 18-20 hours before you can actively gain access to the job system. It’s the most unnecessarily bloated RPG I’ve ever played, and yes it took well over 100 hours for me to complete. At least a dozen due to forced backtracking in the endgame.

DQ7 was an adequate game though, but far from being as accomplished as it’s massive delay’s and hype that preceded it.

Adored DQ8 though. More than most I suspect. It really is a downer somewhat its sequel is on DS, as the expansive and stunning world really gave identity and appeal to DQ8, a technical achievement on PS2.

I was never actually able to push through and finish DQ7 back then, but I’ve been intending to give it another whirl one of these days.

Like you, I absolutely loved DQ8. It is one of my favorite games of all time. The DS remakes of 4 and 5 have been a joy to play too. I was mildly disappointed to hear that 9 is on the DS rather than a full console, but it doesn’t appear that Square-Enix has skimped on the game, so I expect to have a great time playing it!

I think DQ9 has the best RPG opening I’ve played. I’m only two hours in, but they were fantastic.

It may be slow in that it’s not constant combat (or even much combat) but the DQ designers know how to entertain beyond just killing and loot.


Ah, and at about 10 hours in it’s finally getting more meaty. More equipment choices. Battles are getting more challenging. Crafting is starting to take hold a bit more. Anyone gotten anything great off of the WiFi Connection store yet?

Also, wasn’t job system advancement based soley on # of fights? So it wasn’t like you could accelerate things by finding monsters that gave out lots of job points or the equivalent?