Dragon's Dogma

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I don’t have my jeweler’s loop to read that.

Wow there is quite a bit of content in Bitterback Isle. I think I’ve done 2 of the 3 groups of levels there. There have been some epic battles and the largeness of some of the creatures is pretty cool. Sometimes it takes a bit too long to whittle away the enemy’s health. In in the level 50s right now with 85-90% of those leveled as a fighter. My pawn is a mage. I usually bring a bow type and another fighter / warrior. I’m kind of ready to wrap things up, especially with Rise of the Tomb Raider just about here.

Yeah Scharmin, got a link to the bigger version of that?

Yikes, I just ran into a duo in the Forsaken Cathedral that may halt my progress.

My laptop suddenly did not make any noises, so I’m back to this again. At level 55, I can’t fight quite a few of the battles - The Lich, hellhounds and 2 black Chimeras in one room? Yeah, not going to happen! How the heck did you guys get past that? Or is magic archer just not very good for this particular part of the game?

No idea, but do you use your daggers regularly? Playing as a Magick Archer, there were times when using my daggers was far more effective.

I never do - I usually get eaten alive by those monsters. Hellhounds alone in a pack of 3-4 of them is usually pretty hard - now, with a Lich and 2 Black chimeras on top of them? holy cow!

sigh. I just realised that the Lost and Found quest is critical to getting a portcrystal, but the game, for some damned inexplicable reason, fails that quest if you step into Gran Soren and talk to the main quest guy. There is no warning, and that is the only quest that will fail automatically. WTF.

After you are done with this game what are some phrases you never want to hear again?
Let’s see…
“Strength in numbers, Arisin”
“Attack the tail” followed quickly by “The tail is off!”

Actually almost all of them are annoying as hell. There should be some counter and after you hear a quote more than 3 times, it should never say it again.
I know you can turn them off on the game option, but this only affects the spoken audio. If you have subtitles on (which I do because 90% of the time I can’t hear what they actually have to say because they are not near me when saying whatever) they show up anyway.

You’ll still get other 4 by playing the main quests, and that should be plenty for your first playthrough.

Aught. I never want to hear that word again.

True, but they’re much further away though.

Er, what do you mean? Just pick them up and put them wherever you want.

I don’t know, I think they’re masterworks all. You can’t go wrong.

So you’re saying you ill like it?

He’s naught a fan.

It’s weak to fire!

I really don’t like the enemies that attack to your head to possess you. It’s not that they are hard, but it takes forever to kill them. I’m probably through about 70% of Bitterback with Tomb Raider looming ever closer.