Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight

Her daddy is a Senator, I’m sure she’ll do alright in the end.

It’s heartening to see shareholders actually doing what they’re supposed to, and saying, “Yeah, guess what dicks? You need to not be such huge dicks.”

I don’t know about that last part, but shareholders should be looking at long-term considerations. Perhaps a few of them don’t plan to exit in five years.

This is, imho, the issue with much of corporate culture these days; execs are in a lot of ways like shareholders. They often get praise for maximizing profits and then move on before the fallout hits.

This should not be how drugs make preferred status, especially on government plans.

Didn’t see it mentioned here and the article is a from a few months ago , but the CVS epipen generics are sold in a 2 pack for $109.

Aw, Shkreli’s not going to take the stand. That would have been some cross examination.

Found guilty!

No word on what kind of punishment he faces?

Repeated swirlies until the smug is washed off.


Up to 20 years.

The real question.

Juror no. 10: The only thing I’d be impartial about is what prison this guy goes to.

Heh, juror #59 nailed the dismount.

Rarely has there been a face so eminently punchable as Shrekli’s.