Drug test the little bastards!

Random testing is a step in the right direction, but I think it doesn’t go far enough. Random arrests, random prosecutions, and random convictions would really achieve what’s necessary a lot faster.

If we achieve an advanced technology state sometime in the future, we could maybe switch from random samples to automatic testing at airports, bus stops etc or even check for deviant substances when people are leaving their homes.

It’s about time we change our world for the better and living standards are certainly improved without addicted people roaming our streets and costing the honest citizen masses of tax money.

Random indefinite detention? Also, well played Lynch.

Thanks for your kind support Lh’owon. I’ve lost friends and relatives to drugs and think people should stay on the safe side with nicotine and alcohol. Or simply a big can of love and compassion for the fellow brothers and sisters.

I really think those poor people should receive the attention and help they need. We obviously need to identify them first and stop their devastating self-mutilation. The earlier this happens the less the accompanying cost.

Jail should always only be a second option.


Heh yea, I’m not sure what to say.

If not serious: lol
If serious: I think that sort of assault on people’s liberty is unconscionable, properly Orwellian, but that said I agree with you on treating drugs like a health issue rather than a criminal one.

Let’s be honest, there is no way except for some Orwellian approach to get rid of drugs altogether. We now have the tools for a specific, probably successful start to effectively banish all drugs from the face of earth and to make it a better place for all of us.

I didn’t say we should treat all drugs issues like a health issue though, Lh’owon, as this approach should be limited to caught first-time users and when only low amounts of drugs were carried along. Of course the treated persons should be held fully liable and should also be obligated to pay for the cost of the treatment as well as for the cost of the prosecution process. If they become clean, they will know how much they owe the rest of society.

If we only had access to superior technology earlier, many of the drug victims could’ve been saved.

Considering the lewrockwell.com article is pretty clearly the opposite of what Lynch is saying, I think we can now safely assume he is joking. Also, lol lewrockwell.com

Oh fuck, I wasn’t aware the article is entirely disagreeing with my opinion. I just read the headline War on Drugs a Big Success. If I knew how to edit forum posts I would instantly delete or change that link, it’s obviously so full of false and fail and it made me cry a bit.

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

I’m always open to discuss this topic in detail and to provide a proper and objective perspective to the illiterate population.

Drugs kill.

Drugs don’t kill people, people kill people.