Duke Nukem Forever

The question is, what does it still have to offer? Strippers? One-liners? A squinty-faced hero? Done, done, and done. Duke Nuke’em is like a racy Marx brothers movie, it’s not going to shock anyone, but still has value for the sake of curiousity. It won’t out-hardcore GTA3, out-humor NOLF, or out-squint Max Payne.


Now all the talent’s left, who are the no-name barrel scrapings they’ve got working for them? They’re even left with having to baby snatch from colleges. Geez, how many staff walkouts will it take for these rubes to stop chasing the rainbow? Maybe Take 2 should sell their publishing deal to Kellogg’s, the way this project’s going.

So uh…

2011 ! I just voted “2010 or Greater than”, damn I feel prophetic : ).

And using Steamworks too - hooray no games for fucked life (gfwl), hooray easy MP games getting together.

It’s a shame this isn’t a public pole. 2010+ FTW!

Steamworks is confirmed? Hot diggity damn that’s great.

I just voted 2004.

Fingers crossed!

Shameless thread necro aside, has there been any word on the multiplayer features?

Wish I remembered what I voted for.

The poll is open but the database must be corrupt or something, as only the first and last options show who voted for what. Anyway, you probably abstained. :P

Also forgot what I voted for…

The poll is open but the database must be corrupt or something, as only the first and last options show who voted for what.

Those lists aren’t complete either.

Other than “there is great MP but we are not talking about it yet” I don’t think so.