Dukes of Hazzard Movie going into production

This is what I was told by a friend, I take no responsibility for errors:

Bo - Ashton Kutcher (That 70s show)
Luke - Paul Walker (Fast and the Furious)
Daisy - Britney Spears
Boss Hogg - Anthony Anderson (Kangaroo Jack)

Well … I guess whether it sinks or swims will depend on who plays Roscoe. :)

I can’t believe they couldn’t find someone else to play Boss Hogg.

Boss Hogg is/was the heart of the show. A Dukes movie lives or dies on how well Boss is played.

Who’s playing Uncle Jessie?

Cooter? Who will play Cooter!??!

“Ah… you are indeed SUCH a dipstick, Enis.”

Nothing about it is up on IMDB - they usually have stuff up there pretty quick.

Mmmmmm…Britney wearing Daisy Duke shorts.

This must be an important film it made Yahoo late breaking news.

Ahhh, Tyler you beat me! MSN had this to report:

Britney Becomes a Duke

Yee-haw! According to the folks over at SkyNews, Britney Spears is set to show off her assets on the big screen in Daisy Duke hot pants. That’s right, from the wonderful land of remakes, Hollywood is planning on taking the 1970s TV hit “The Dukes of Hazzard” all the way to the box office. And yep, Britney will squeeze into those trademark denim shorts when she plays Daisy Duke, which was originally played by Catherine Bach.

So Ashton Kutcher is going to be Bo Duke, Superman and Batman? Yikes!

I read that it will be directed by Bernardo Bertolucci.