Dungeon Encounters - With Mistress Square Enix

It is one of the first abilities you’ll get (and the most inexpensive). A bit weird that it isn’t the default view option, or maybe for the handheld reason spoken earlier.

The various systems of the game are very smart. I can’t talk about it, but they are :D

Oh cool, I am glad it’s not far off. I only have the first two so far.

Almost 40 hours in, and nearing the end, I am done, even though some stuff still leave me curious. But there is a little mechanics, implied by one of the others, that makes the game a bit painful to recover from a specific hazard, and I don’t see me spending all that time getting to the bottom (ho ho) of it.
Great game!

I’m still enjoying it but at a much slower pace. I think I’m on level 12.

Lost a party member to petrification, so guess I’ll have to figure out how to deal with that. And remember to go back to find her, eventually.

I have not found any enemies that do that yet, but I did run across the solution on an earlier floor. I’m sure you must have seen it there too, if you’re exploring every tile. It’s a Gorgon Altar at: 7,32,33 I don’t think that kind of stuff is randomised each play-through?

I think I know what you mean, there were two things that often came up as big complaints when I skimmed the Steam reviews before buying and that was one of them, on the final floor I think, that makes the entire party ‘wandering’, and you have to send a fresh party to recover them! The other was an enemy that puts you in massive debt.

I’m nowhere near that far and don’t know if I’ll ever get there but it sounds kind of intriguing. Really like this game.

Ah, I was on floor five when it happened. I’ll keep an eye out as I keep going.

Oh wow! Haha, maybe I just missed those enemies so assumed you were further, since I’m not very deep myself. I think I revealed info for most of the enemies so far…

Huh. Ran into a Ninja on floor 13. One hit wiped the whole party. That was sudden.

Yeah, I’m not sure how it happened? I might’ve had a few glasses of wine during that session so I don’t recall the particular enemy that did it. But I’ve since found the remedy and haven’t yet reencountered the condition.

I’m now down to floor 10 and I really dig this game. For as stripped down as it is, there’s still a lot of room for thought in weapon selection and attack strategy. And it’s been doing a wonderful job of parceling out additional nuance. Can’t wait to see what’s in store deeper down.

I only just realized there’s no indication (yet?) that you’re on a space with other potential party members. I thought maybe if you knew their location and went there and hit A or something you’d get an alert or acknowledgment or something. Nope. You just need to be in the right place and you go through the X menu to your party composition and they’ll be available to add.

Yeah, took me a moment to figure that out when I went back to recover my newly-unpetrified party member.

I’m really glad I picked this up on Switch instead of PC. It’s working fantastic handheld.

I think I know the one, I suspect those Statues. I think they start appearing around that same level. I’ve had them try this one spell on me a couple times, but it’s missed every time so far. I think that’s a petrification spell!

I’m about the same - just finished 10th floor and it’s great.

But I still haven’t come across @Left_Empty’s zoom ability that is ‘one of the first you get’… did I miss it?

The only thing I’m a bit iffy on is the party composition and the utility of trying to specialise classes. I’m not sure there’s any point yet to make a heavily armoured tank for example, since there’s no taunting, sacrifice, or protection abilities (yet).

Everyone seems to kind of need everything.

No, zoom was level 11 or 12 I think.

Oh man don’t say that… I’m meant to be working, and now I know it’s so close, I’m struggling! :)

I’ve made it down to floor 13 and things are going well for the most part. But… well… I guess it’ll be a bit before I can afford to buy anything from these shops.

That fucking little mouse has me 70k in debt. Asshole.

Also, this game is fantastic.

Haha yeah I met my first one last night too.

I knew what it did from some of the negative reviews I read before purchasing, and it was ‘researched’ on a prior floor so I also knew the encounter number. But I blundered into it anyway. :P

Saw the HP and noped out, luckily I was able to withdraw first round so lost nothing!

How do you heal in the game? Are there consumables (I love consumables), are there spells?

I don’t think so, at least I’ve not come across anything like that yet. There are tiles that heal, like a healing fountain. Same for resurrection and some status removals.

Though a good part of the combat strategy is avoiding taking damage at all. Party members (and monsters) have a physical and a magical defense bar that deplete before the HP is affected. These bars reset to full between battles.

The size of those bars depends on your equipment.

The only consumables I’ve found are the special drops from enemies that permanently increase a particular stat on one character.