E3 2019 - Apparently it already started

4v4, sigh…

Day 1 on Game Pass, it’s being treated like a 1st party game. Nice.

Wait what is? Outer Worlds?

It was in the trailer, if I recall correctly.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps!

Soo good.gif


Outer Worlds looks good, but also more or less what it showed before.

The NT game I like the designs, but it won’t be my style of game.

#lazydevs copying the Minecraft art style.

Oooh. The Minecraft dungeon crawler. Could be fun.

Strangely I agree. I miss the look of the world, just got bored with making my own fun.

Thanks for Ninja Gaiden II BC, Phil. Now where’s my PC X360 emulator?

Ori and the Will of the Wisps release date in February! Wooo!

Man, this ARPG set in Minecraft world seems like a great idea.

Phil! Wearing the same clothes he wore for E3 2018 apparently.

Hey, Minecraft with a game included! /sarc

Limited wardrobe for millionaires.

Minecraft Diablo, eh? Tell me more …

That’s a Psychonauts shirt, right?


I need Cyberpunk to make another appearance at the Microsoft conference.

It was announced a few months back. There will be character classes, generated dungeons. That’s about all I knew.