A game this bad has no business still being fun.
Just started playing this the other day. I can see why it’s part of the “so-bad-it’s-good” bin: just lots of explosions and repetitive baddies after repetitive baddies. Which you explode. And yet somehow it works. I think I destroyed more buildings than insects, though… they’re just in the way, y’know? Collateral damage is to be expected, y’know? I think the game also has some of the worst bad writing of any game. This is one of my new all-time favorites:
– Sir, the Air Force bombing runs are useless against enemy shields. Should we tell them to stop?
– The Air Force have honor too, let them try.
(Said bombing runs work fine for killing you, by the way)
Still, for a game that’s supposed to be madcap multiplayer fun, they sure make it hard to enjoy it with others. If you want to play couch coop, you have to leave to the main menu, log in again in your profile, then select 2 players. No drop in and play in this one. You have to do the same with online multiplayer, except progress is not shared. And you cannot join an ongoing session: you stand in the waiting room, waiting for them to finish without even being able to spectate.
Most multiplayer game sessions seems to be about grinding the same mission over and over and over again too. I think people might be chasing trophies: to get every trophy, you have to beat every level with every class on every difficulty level (single player and online progress ARE NOT shared. If you want help, you have to play online from the beginning). So it’s something like 4 difficulties x 4 classes x 80 levels x 5 minutes = 106 hours (a VERY conservative estimate). Oh, and weapons are alloted out randomly according to the mission’s difficulty. No way to know what weapon you might be missing or where to ge it.
The game does nothing to deserve being this grindy. These poor people. Oh, and how can a remaster of a PS3 game sell 30$ worth of DLC?
Anyway, I think to enjoy this game, you should not go for 100%. That’s the way it’s still fun.
Anyone playing this on PS4? I’d be interested in a coop run. This way we could maybe run different classes and support each other.