Ebook Bargains

Heres an oldie but a goodie to add to your digital library:
F Paul Wilson’s The Keep is on sale at amazon for .99

The Amazon teaser for the keep really sells it:

It was a top-ten NY Times Bestseller

Paramount adapted it into an incomprehensible film directed by Michael Mann

Thanks. I’ve never heard of it, but I bought it on your recommendation.

If I like the first book, is it a long series? Is it already finished, or is it like Game of Thrones (i.e. it will likely never be finished before the author dies, sadly).

It’s a full 3 book series that has been completed. He wrote other books in the same world, but each of those are independent of the other books.

Wow. I literally just finished the first First Law book (print edition) and was debating whether to keep going. I thought (assumed) it was many books and an uncompleted saga. So if I read numbers 2 ad 3, it will bring things to a resolution?

He has other things set in the same world, but the trilogy does reach an end. He could easily start it up again, however.

Book 2 was a bit of a slog for me, but book 3 did make up for it.

New Humble Book Bundle is up:

I haven’t heard of any of these authors though. Any recognition here at Qt3?

Really? Almost everyone in there is a reasonably high profile award-winning author. I can especially recommend Robin McKinley. Sunshine is practically perfect. And Jane Yolen is pretty awesome also.

Cool. Are both of them Science fiction? Or is it Fantasy?

Pretty much all fantasy in there, I think.

If you ever wanted to get into Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight series, now is your chance. TOR is giving away digital copies of the first book Way of Kings. Its an excellent series so far. And the price is right!


ps: This offer expires today so grab yours quick.

Sadly that mobi file is larger than 25MB so my gmail account can’t send it to the kindle email address to make it readable on my kindle app. And my outlook account can’t send it because it’s larger than 35MB.

Maybe I should try the epub file and see if Google’s Play Books is able to take that.

Edit: Google’s Play Books took the epub file. Now I just have to change my habits someday and fire up the Play Books app once in a while.

This series is so good. Adore it.

Agreed. Can’t wait for the next installment of The Way of Kings. The nice thing about Brandon Sanderson is just how prolific he is.

Finished the Power Mage trilogy and liked it, so thanks whoever for that recommendation.

Started the first book of The Rook and really digging it 30% in.

His Mistborn series is excellent if you haven’t read it yet. I need to start reading his other stuff as well.

I’m an admitted Sanderson nut, but honestly his median output is excellent and the low end is still pretty decent. Stormlight is his best work, I think, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed just about everything he’s put out. Reckoners (first novel is Steelheart) is quite fun, and probably what I’d point to after Stormlight and Mistborn.

Oh and if you haven’t read The Alloy of Law, do! It’s Mistborn-adjacent, and I liked it even better.

There is an Amazon program you can now download that will move that large of a file for you. It can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle/

I downloaded it myself since I did not have in my kindle library and it was really easy to do.

Oh cool! Thanks, I’d forgotten all about that! I even used that last year, but it completely slipped my mind.

The excellent “sequel?” to American Gods, Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys is on sale at amazon for $1.99

If you like Gaiman’s work, this is right in your wheelhouse. Its not as heavy of a book as American Gods but its every bit as good.