Elden Ring: a thread specifically for spoilers

Amen! There is a camp near Storm Gate Ruins, patrolled by swordsmen and the odd spearman. One of those soldiers, near the bugler, is tougher than the rest and he kept killing me, again and again. And then the other day I mounted Torrent, ran through the camp, killed 2 soldiers whilst running through the camp, sprinted to the other side of the camp, turned around, saw the soldiers were all fanned out looking for me, so I rode them down individually.

I thought I had them all but there was one guy hidden in the ruins that back stabbed me, and I died.

This game has its hooks in me.

And it is not just the game, it is also that using a controller and having to react in the moment is a new way of gaming for me.

I haven’t used controllers, other than in Mario Kart and Street Fighter on the Switch, since the N64. I play mostly strategy games lol.