Elden Ring: a thread specifically for spoilers

As I wrote that I thought the same thing.

Well, I just had my Elden Ring ā€˜momentā€™. A brush with greatness. Or, an homage to greatness at any rate.

Struggling to finish off Malenia yesterday after a few hours and a few dozen attempts, I began early this morning. In addition to the tried-and-true Blasphemous Blade Iā€™d started to develop a new strategy (more on that in a moment) and I was alternating between just me and my Mimic and summoning usually 2 cooperators. I was surprised by the number I had to choose from at this early morning hour and then delighted to spot a warrior going by the name of ā€œLet Me 1v1 Herā€.

I had to laugh. Sure, nothing to lose. Obviously inspired by the legend, he was dressed a bit differently, if still using the two Katanas. We bowed, I buffed us, and the battle commenced.

He was the real deal. I did not lay a finger on Malenia but stood in rapt attention as he whittled her down between acrobatic leaps and bounds. First stage he took absolutely no damage. Second stage I worried the initial rot bomb might have gotten him but he got away and healed quickly. Later in the fight she caught him in a combo and he was under half-health but again got away and healed. But ultimately, it was over before it started. He fucking killed the shit out of her and outside of the videos of ā€œLet Me Solo Herā€ I had not seen anything like it.

A quick note on what Iā€™ve been experimenting with. With my current characterā€™s play through Iā€™ve been using The Lion Greatbow that you can receive after defeating Radahn a lot. I use it to snipe, I use it to cheese, but Iā€™ve also been having a lot of success with it against bosses (esp. very large ones) when I can set up my Mimic for melee and then switch to the bow and ruin them with the Radahnā€™s Rain skill. But also, against more human sized opponents, the knockdown ability is strong. So I thought, ā€œWhy not against Malenia?ā€ It does an excellent job of knocking her down once you get the timing down and donā€™t fire until she finishes one of her animations. Sheā€™ll only dodge if sheā€™s paying attention to you and not another cooperator or mimic.

He did, at the start, and even hit me twice. But I had enough health to survive.

Big bows can be a lot of fun. But I donā€™t think I have ever used one in a boss fight.

I thought maybe they had patched that out.

Doesnā€™t the cooperator who joined and soloā€™ed Malenia have an even bigger challenge? I thought the bosses have a bigger health pool.

He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.

I did a LOT of ā€œhow about thisā€ tweaks as I tried Malenia over and over again, and while this example wasnā€™t a win, it does corroborate your idea and presents a potential alternate version: Redmane Knight Ogha can also continuously stagger Malenia with his bow. The main things are to A) have her focus on you so he can line up the shots, B) make sure his shots actually hit her and C) be close enough to run in and hit her while sheā€™s down (I was often rolling away and ended up adding too much distance). Oghaā€™s AI is also super quirky, but When It Works, Ogha was among my top three closest victories (Tiche and Mimic, with Mimic as my actual victory clear).

I feel like itā€™s a viable strategy. And itā€™s a given that only a fraction of Malenia attempts will ultimately succeed. But I tend to get repeat summons which makes me think my efforts are being appreciated. And sometimes we do succeed.

Like you said, the other players have to start to trust the process somewhat and not roll away to better take advantage because Iā€™m knocking her down with regularity. Interesting too, since my damage is the least I hardly ever draw aggro.

I was feeling pretty cocky, then I ran into Rennala. I briefly looked at a couple of guides for her, so I know what I am supposed to do. After 5 tries, Iā€™ve gotten decent at only taking a little damage killing the little ones throwing books (I still get hit here and there, and I can get blasted by her big projectile blast if Iā€™m not careful.) And Iā€™m greedy and donā€™t get away from her when she is down and Iā€™m whacking her with my Moonveil and I get blasted.

But the last couple of times I made it to phase 2. But I find myself just running in circles trying to avoid her attacks, and when I stopped to summon Headless I got killed both times. I assume if I summon her in first phase I wonā€™t have her in the second?

Watched a video, looked a lot easier that what Iā€™m doing, LOL! Iā€™m not even trying my rock sling, etc. at her as I assume she doesnā€™t take much damage from magic attacks like that. Any tricks or tips?

Assuming your summons survives stage one theyā€™ll be with you in stage two. Never a reason not to summon them first thing imo.

First stage you know to only hunt the glowy kids, right?

Ah, good to know. And yes on the glowy kids. In fact, I saw something that said you donā€™t have to kill them (if they donā€™t die on the first hit) just hit them and that stops them.

Since I assume my Meteorite staff and rock sling and other spells wonā€™t effect her much, Iā€™m equipping my Carion shield, as I think that has the most magic protection. Iā€™m not used to using a shield, though, since Iā€™ve usually got the staff in my left hand. Iā€™ve got Moonveil at +5; would I be better off with something else (assuming Iā€™ve got it, havenā€™t been further north than where Iā€™m at and Iā€™m level 67.)

I would try the Rocks, I think they do physical damage, not magical. Youā€™ll get it and if you donā€™t check for a coop summons maybe.

Rock Sling is the only spell that hurts her. Her magic resistance for everything else is like 80%.

Conversely, she is especially vulnerable to physical damage where she takes additional damage from physical hits.

From what I remember, I just dodgeroll everything (believe she starts phase 2 with a big magic spell that you can roll to the side to avoid), ignored her summons and just kept pressing her with either Transient Moonlight or regular hits. I think I used wolves or any summon that has multiple units to distract / draw aggro (didnā€™t need a solitary tank).

Thereā€™s a big pause at the end of phase 1 where sheā€™s doing her ā€˜dyingā€™ animation - this is the ideal time to summon, as your summon carries over into phase 2. As others mention, Rock Sling is good. First priority at the start of Phase 2 is to avoid her beam attack, then you can settle into a rhythm. She doesnā€™t have many hit points so if you can avoid her summons, youā€™re good.

She was actually the only boss I summoned another player for, as I just couldnā€™t be bothered with doing phase 1, and the long run up, every time.

I used whatever it is you use to see the summons marks, in the area before you enter the myst, but didnā€™t see any marks. I know I activated the thing to let you see summons marks.

I am an astrologer who sucks at melee. I had a lot of trouble with phase 2 of this fight. Rock sling damages her, but I just couldnā€™t survive long enough to finish her. My ultimate strategy was to heal and summon wolves just before killing the last student and starting phase two. Then just run in and whack away with moonveil. I will sheepishly admit I was something like level 110 when I finally won.

The key for me was attacking at the same time Llutel was attacking, because if the two of you can stagger her, the fight ends very quickly.

Well, Iā€™m level around level 65, mage with Moonveil, and thought after taking out the bosses at Stormveil and the red wolf in the Academy I was in pretty good shape. But I havenā€™t lasted a minute in phase 2. I see a lot of people recommending the wolves (I was using Headless) I think just to have multiple bodies attacking her; Iā€™ll see if my Wolves are leveled up at all and try them.

In my first fight with her I summoned help because I was too stupid to realize you only had to kill certain students and not all of them. She then destroyed my summons in the opening of phase 2.

You have to keep constantly moving in this fight. And I, for the most part, tried to ignore her summons.