Elden Ring - George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki

I warned ya, =)

I believe the one conceivable way for you to try to get one now is:

Teleport to Mohgwyn Palace, which I think you can do because I believe you mentioned encountering the bird farm and all the sleeping albinaurics on the hill, BUT you need to go into what I consider a fairly difficult dungeon to find a specific chest

You’d have to progress to endgame to get the other locations.

Leyndell is close, but he needs to specifically unlock the “Leyndall, Capital of Ash” site of grace.

If you have WOA at +8 and Moonveil at +9, you should just switch to “explore and adventure in general mode” because the specific goal of getting either one of those to +10 will be fairly difficult. Gear/level-wise, you’re ahead of where I was by comparison (as I said, I basically had Moonveil at +7 for a really long time), but I wince at remembering how crazy the Consecrated Snowfield and whatnot were.