Elden Ring - George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki

Unless you’re buffing your weapon regularly (grease or spells) you can leave it as holy, overall you’ll be doing more damage.

If ER works like the other games you won’t be able to use other buffs on the holy sword. But anything that takes holy damage would take the full damage. At some point you will run into somebody the holy damage won’t hurt.

Thanks @Bateau and @Scuzz. Just to clarify on Scuzz’s point though, if something doesn’t take Holy Damage, the Sacred Blade still does the 129 + 8 Physical damage though right? So basically the 129 + 10 Holy damage gets blocked but so it does roughly half-damage, not no damage?

Also do we have any idea how much extra damage something like Fire Grease does? Does it scale with total weapon damage?

There are many spots that trigger a red phantom NPC. I’ve found at least 3, even in the early areas. (I’m level 17)

That’s part of what I like about helping people with boss fights I’ve already done.

Didya get to kill them?

Haha. No. :)

I hear ya. I’m level 30ish and I barely survived.

It’s unlikely that element resistant enemies would take no damage from that damage type, it will just be severely reduced. They will still take full phys dmg (mitigated by their armor values vs your dmg type - slashing, piercing, etc).

As for grease, resins in the previous games have always been flat damage afaik so they shouldn’t scale here either.

So is it best to level up as soon as you can, or save a few levels in case you suddenly find something that you want to build towards?

Also, is there a QT3 group? I’m sorta divided on messages, but after having them off, i decided i’d rather have them on - and i’d certainly rather have them from QT3 peeps…

You can respec your build later on, although it’s certainly not an unlimited thing. I’ve done it once and I’ll probably do it again once I decide what ridiculous sword I want to use. I would use the one I have but it’s extremely slow so I’m not convinced.

I got a tip to add the VaatiVidya (a Souls Youtube channel) community code “SEEKERS” and it is amazing. Every message with the group indicator is actually helpful now.

A lot of it depends on the enemy and his resistances. Fire works on most things, lightening is usually good. Things like poison and bleed require multiple hits to build up the effect. Knowing the fan base somewhere online someone has done all the math, but I have never claimed to understand it all myself.

I triggered one today that parried me and virtually one shot me. My next meeting with him will involve cheese of some sort.

These games really nail the feeling of watching Alien for the first time and seeing the Space Jockey:

Level up as soon as you can, because every level you add will make you tougher, as it directly adds damage resistance no matter what you invest the level in.

If you don’t know what to invest in, you can always invest in something like endurance, vitality, or mind, which will generally be useful no matter what.

I do that as well, but I also keep a number of golden runes in reserve for when I find a weapon I want to - but can’t use. Not that I have found that much interesting stuff so far, only ordinary weapons and armor. Combined with a persistent lack of smithing stones, my damage isn’t all that good yet. I do have some stones, but seeing how few I find, I don’t want to spend them on a weapon I may shortly ditch.

On a side note: can anyone tell me what the rune fragments you find everywhere are supposed to do?

I know they’re an ingredient for some things - rainbow stones for instance (you can drop them over cliffs apparently, and if they shatter that means the fall will kill you)

I did see that ingredient-use on my crafting screen, but is that all they do? I was hoping for a bit more, maybe turn them into the smithing stones I so sorely miss, for example… :-).
Also: I don’t fall off cliffs that much because I stay well away from them, so I haven’t found a need for rainbow stones yet. But of course, that may change when I get further in the game.

Anyway, thanks for the reply!

So I managed to die 11 times in an hour tonight, only 2 of which were to a boss. 9 to a couple of jumping deaths (most of which because I hit roll rather than jump, I do that constantly) and there were several ladders to make my way up each time I messed up that first jump. Very annoying.

In the end the jumps and ladders took more time than the miniboss, and I made my way into a new area where I promptly got crushed by the first normal creature I saw. So I guess that was actually 12 deaths. I took the hint and have gone back to find easier prey.

I am liking this game far more than I thought I would. I’m glad the desire to actually take part in the conversation on time got the better of me. Now I just need to get over my fear of losing runes, I think I value them too highly and I stop exploring once I’m 1/2 or 2/3 of the way to my next level.