Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

It’s been a while, but I seem to remember spending over 100 hours on Oblivion and probably twice that on Morrowind. Not bad for about $100 of entertainment costs.

I find myself in a position of having no machine to play this game on when release comes and I’m starting to get that “I’d chew my own leg off to get out of this trap” feeling. I haven’t let myself look at the hype machine until today. I watched the three gameplay videos and I popped an e-boner.

I just might have to have an “accident” with my work laptop…

One thing that stood out: Is the camera going to pull back when you make a good kill a la Tenchu? I don’t think I’d like that.

Excellent point. Never thought of that.

Like this?

HA! That is pretty good.

Holy $4!7 that was hilarious. And yeah, kinda like that…

Do that instead. It was a pain getting it set up because the box was mad tiny, but once it was together it’s like having an xbox sized computer that plays everything at ULTIMATE POWAH without even noticing.

Seriously, I was running Shogun 2, DA2, Civ5 and some random shooters all at everything on the highest setting. I haven’t done that since like the earlier part of this decade, so it was nifty. And the fucker is cheap! I spent 630$ including Win7 (of course that part I engaged in some shenanigans to go from an edu discount on an upgrade through my brother to a full version).

Also sooooooo much HBOGO. So much.

Anyway, it’ll run Skyrim. How will it run Skyrim? Like Obama ran for President: smooth.

It’s official. The main campaign for Skyrim is only two hours and fifteen minutes long.

Just kidding. Obviously what you can do in a game and what you should normally do are totally different.

Not from what I’ve seen. In one of the movies he does a finishing move from first person.

Fucking speedruns. Talk about the absolute opposite of the point for a Bethesda game.

I think it’s interesting that the fastest speed run time for Skyrim was almost double that of Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Hmn.

Morrowind had speed runs under 15 minutes. A stupid long speed run means a lot of content that has to be completed to beat the game. In a sandbox, that’s a design problem.

At PAX, I had a finishing move zoom out to third person.

I’m not sure 2 hours is a “stupid long speed run” personally, I was mostly comparing the content of the main quest (based on this information) of Skyrim to Oblivion and F3 - it sounds like there is more going on in the main quest this time, is all I meant.

Yeah! Wait, wut?

Annoying. Maybe its an option you can check?

Maybe. I liked it. Then again, I like the slo-mo bullet-time stuff in Fallout 3/NV.

Yeah, Aeon, that makes no fucking sense at all. A sandbox is a sandbox because it has a ton of shit you can do that is totally unrelated to beating the game. Having a long plotline is totally orthogonal to whether a game is a great sandbox or not.

Morrowind had multiple paths to complete everything. Even if you killed all the main characters and “Severed the Threads of Destiny”, you could still beat the game.

This game has a minimum two hours of stuff that, no matter how dull it gets or how overplayed, you will have to complete, no if’s and’s or buttes, if you want to beat the game.

Remember Kvatch? Morrowind didn’t have a Kvatch. Morrowind didn’t need a Kvatch. Skyrim will have a Kvatch or three shoved inside, and that makes me double plus unhappy. Why couldn’t I just kill that whining tosser Martin? Huh? I killed everyone in Morrowind! Yes, everyone, down to the last one. It was pretty fun. I went around mumbling orc orc orc and murdering people and I still beat the game in the end.

Could you do that in Oblivion? NOOOOOOOOOOPE. Guards didn’t really die, there were an infinite number. I know, I killed three hundred in one town before giving up trying to end the racist threat they posed to orcs everywhere. BTW, that was one hell of a prison sentence. I think my character spent fifteen years in jail.

Sounds like you got off easy. Pro-orc bias in the kingdom’s judiciary confirmed.

Well hopefully they learned from New Vegas regarding that. In New Vegas you could kill everyone and still complete the game. No one was a “plot person” that had to be there till the end (which is always an annoying feature anyway imo).