Elite: Dangerous Kickstarter Launched

So my new goal was to have a faction like me. I’m doing these independent guys their FedEx missions, I’m bringing them food, whatever. So yesterday to start the day I take like 4 missions for them, blast out like a space jockey and oops, make a tiny miscalculation going through the port. BLONG! Ship down to 37%. Then I panic and do it again. 17%. I go, I better fix up my ship. But the game had already seen I had ‘left port’ at some point so now I was tresspassing. I’m panicking. Gotta get out of the station! I flip around with seconds to spare and leave port, but too late! I’m wanted! Now I need to get back into port! Too late. The station guns open fire. All those missions failed except a ‘bring food’ one, when my only goal is to make that faction like me. And the loss of my ship, of course.

I actually didn’t give up, fought back, and now they are friendly. But man it took a lot of FedEx-ing.

I prefer having the full range for forward movement and hitting a toggle button to quickly switch in and out of reverse at the current throttle position. And it’s easy to know when you’re in reverse by looking at the throttle/speed desiplay.

I hope you made a typo somewhere because you said you had 260k and would have enough for a Cobra with some change left over. Only the cobra is 360k to get just the ship itself. Oh, I guess if you’re selling your existing ship there would be some refund action, that’s probably what you were referencing.

As for mining the jackpot is to find a planet that has a ring with Pristine reserves where the ring composition is Metallic. Elite Miners is a good resource to get your feet on the ground with respect to mining, and they have a scrapbook of good locations. I will also throw in that the 2 systems I’ve found where I mine are Bhotho and Frey. Both systems seem equal in quality, but I’m in Frey now as the station is closer.

I’ve been running around in a Hauler that’s rigged up for mining… then I decided to try some good old hauling and trading, but I don’t want to sell the refinery so I’ve only got 10 slots open (yeah, I realize it’s dumb to do this). Anyway, I’ve found a pretty good couple of systems where one wants minerals and the other wants foodstuffs and I can pretty easily trade them back and forth to make some cash. Seems slow though, even with the missions. However, I’m building up some good faction. On one run where I needed 12 slots I temporarily sold my shield generator to save myself a trip. Fortunately I had no issues, but I was sweating bullets when exiting and entering the stations, lemme tell you.

Oh you totally want more of a buffer than that, at LEAST 100K. It’s worth it though just for the speed increases alone, I think. So speedy, so fun. hugs Cobra

I’m actually considering buying her a paint job. I’m smitten.

Newsletter #55: http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=dcbf6b86b4b0c7d1c21b73b1e&id=75583e8064

Put me down as also loving my cobra and never looking back.

When you grab one, it’ll have an open slot, so at the very least put in a cheap fuel scoop and you won’t have to worry about paying the exorbitant fuel costs she’ll start running up. Even a mid-range one will pay for itself rather quickly.

I really shouldn’t have been mining so late past my bedtime. I’m really paying for it at work this morning. I seem to have developed an immunity to coffee for kickstarting my brain when I had too little sleep the night before.

As for mining, that’s interesting Charlatan, I had no idea there was such a thing as Pristine Reserves. Most I’d ever seen was major reserves, so I thought that was the max, and that’s where I went for my first excursion.

The map in this game is going to drive me crazy. I have no idea where things are in relation to one another. I thought I was getting away from my starting system over time, hopping farther and farther away, finding new ports with new missions. Then I had a mission to find animal meat at a station I’d just gone to because they had a lot of asteroids and ringed gas giants. To look for animal meat, I started looking at systems one or two hops away. I remember Brani was about 4 or 5 hops away, but I couldn’t find it on the map, and I didn’t remember the spelling anymore. So there I am looking at systems one or two hops away, and I find one with a farming planet, with animal meat exports. It’s called Dalton. Wait a minute.

Dalton’s Gateway? LHS 3447? After all that traveling I’d ended up two hops away from where I started again? WTF! Arggh!

Yeah, the system names drive me batty in this game. 1,300 years and y’all couldn’t come up with something better than BD-38 9020 or some shit? C’mon people…

So I take back my complaint I had earlier about manual docking.

Last night I was playing with a couple of my friends and I remarked that I have never had so much fun doing FedEx Quests before. And after pondering on that for a while, I came to the conclusion the reason it is so much fun is because practically everything you do in the game - including things that might otherwise be considered boring - requires careful input from the player. Docking, getting from one part of a system to another, etc. Because I’m involved in every step of the process of getting Quest-Item from point A to point B, I don’t have time to think about how I’d rather be shooting pirates or whatever. And on top of that, you can actually get noticeably better at docking and traveling if you practice enough, which gives another reward in addition to whatever monetary reward you might get from one of the quests.

This game is the bees knees.

I am keeping a pilot’s log in OneNote so I can keep track of my progress on the map. Every system I visit I note the date/time/system/station and make a couple of notes on what I was doing there (delivering cargo, scanning, etc.). It helps with navigation when my intent is to either return to a previous system or make a beeline into unknown space.

I am a nerd.

I didn’t hold off either and am upgrading bit by bit as well. Love that ship. No ragrets, know what I’m saying’?

Dalton’s Gateway? LHS 3447? After all that traveling I’d ended up two hops away from where I started again? WTF! Arggh!

I am keeping a pilot’s log in OneNote so I can keep track of my progress on the map. Every system I visit I note the date/time/system/station and make a couple of notes on what I was doing there (delivering cargo, scanning, etc.). It helps with navigation when my intent is to either return to a previous system or make a beeline into unknown space.

One might argue that a game in this day and age should do all that tracking for you.

Of course, one might also argue it is kind of awesome that it doesn’t.

I had a mission to bring back illegal cargo. I had forgotten the request was for THREE and I had snagged four of them. So after turning in the mission, I was flying around Federation security with illegal cargo, got scanned and got fined. Doh.

I need to confirm this for myself: For a mission where you have to get illegal goods (for example to a Fed station) you still have to smuggle it in, right? So if you are not good at smuggling into stations you should never take a mission from a governed station which involves illegal activity?

I actually docked!

Woo Hoo!

I probably never be able to do it again but at least I did it once!

Correct, you still need to smuggle it in! Always consider the station type you need to deliver to before you accept those missions.

That’s a good idea. I might have to start doing this too. Otherwise, every system will seem like so many others after a while. And let’s face it, the map is so big, that’s the main danger I see anyway as an impediment to long term enjoyment. But I want to delay that moment as long as I can.

I am on a roll - I finally got my hat and setup Trackir 5!

Pretty cool!

Can we make more than one character in the game? If my kids wanted to play can they each have their own game (or do we have to share the same character)?

Erm, anyone else having problems with Elite detecting their joystick today? It was weird, I was playing it fine last night. Today? Won’t detect the joystick at all. Hell, I even go into the control settings and there’s not even a drop-down option for “Generic Joystick” anymore. My joystick (CH Fighterstick + throttle) is working fine in Windows though. The devices register, the buttons all register, they’re detected as game devices, etc. I blew out everything in AppData but still no dice.

I thought this was just a me problem, but then I look at the Elite forums and there’s someone having the exact same problem (working fine earlier, nothing will work today), only with a gamepad. I know they had a server update or restart recently but there wasn’t a client patch, was there?

What’s the largest profit anyone’s gotten on a single ton of goods? Right now I’m milking a 1 jump 4 ly Palladium run for 1,050cr each. That’s the best profit I’ve made to date on a ton.

It’s making me rethink holding out for the Cobra and getting a Hauler or Adder first so I can take some real advantage of this arbitrage. Ugh, I don’t know what to do.