Empires in Arms



Oh well, it’s still very nice.

Also, It’s now being used in a module for Table Top Simulator (not by me). Only tested it, but seems like it works fine. Still looking for a few players, or maybe you can start your own game: https://discord.gg/6htxMY

Where would I find this module?

In the Steam workshop.


TTS is €20, I think. It’s not perfect, but probably easier to get into for non-gamers than VASSAL.

thanks I’ll cast an eye on it !

Knowing I couldn’t leech off Soapyfrogs’ work to get a more zoomable version, I set out to re-draw the entire thing. I used Inkscape since it’s free and has a lot of functionality. It took a while, but eventually I successfully traced and recreated everything on the map.
By hand. I tried some of the automated functions, but I didn’t find the results particularly appealing. It doesn’t have any mountains, hills, dunes or bogs, but I asked and some of the people using it didn’t want them. Should be only a few hours to add them though.

I uploaded a 240dpi (16MB) and a 120dpi(7.5MB) export as a .png here: https://we.tl/t-qAhZuE7BcI The link will expire so get it soon or you’ll have to bother me for a new one.

Hello fellow gamers, anybody knows if there’s a community still in this fascinating game? I’d love to start a pbem game, maybe even a small scenario, which would have a rather higher chance to get to completion than a Grand Campaign…

Thx in advance.