Endless Space 2

I don’t think the game needs anywhere near six months of patches. You seem to have had some rough experiences, but I played through multiple games without issue. Part of that might be because it was one of their post-release patches that caused a lot of problems, but that’s not going to take six months to fix.

I am not talking about game-breaking bugs. I am talking about a lot of little, annoying things. I listed a few a while back. Here is another one: At the beginning of a turn and event pops up. While trying to respond to it, another event pops up, and then another and yet another. Its just incredibly annoying.

If a ship is taking a long route to warp drive to a system, why can’t you change course to a new system? Why does it have to reach the new system and then make a u-turn to come all the way back? I can understand hyperlanes working this way because of ‘hyperlane physics’, whatever that is, but not warp drive which is essentially free roam anywhere.

There are dozens and dozens of small, annoying issues and bugs. These will take a long time to fix, probably because they are going to be low priority.

The inability to issue new orders for a fleet in transit may annoy you, but I don’t think it’s something that needs to be fixed. It’s a design decision, and probably a smart one. SOTS operated in the same manner, at least until you got a tech later in the game.

Just from a technical/performance perspective, locking the fleet destination means the AI doesn’t have to recalculate the entire state of every ship in the game with each turn. Say you send your ship to Star A, so the AI sees this and responds accordingly. Then you decide to move your fleet back, or change course halfway there. That’s something that can give the AI fits and have a performance impact. If you’re looking to optimize turn times…

EU4 struggled with this very thing for a long time. Trying to get the AI to handle this scenario without tanking performance was a nightmare, so eventually they changed the mechanics so that you couldn’t cancel a movement order once the army made it 50% of the way to the next province. At that point it was locked in.

If you need a “flavor” reason, then maybe it’s a limitation of communication technology. While a ship is in warp or going down a hyperlane, it’s unable to receive subspace communications due to reasons.

It is a multi-threaded application running on a multi-core system. I think it can afford to do a little recalculation. Also it only has to react to the single ship change. There is no reason to recalculate every fleet in the galaxy just because ONE of them changes course.

Also, even if it did have to recalculate everything, that would be a weak excuse. If they never fix such things, then that would just detract from my overall opinion of the game. Rather than viewing it as a design oversight, I would then view it as a terrible design decision.

Why would it only be your one ship that changes direction? Every single player could be rerouting fleets. Then the neighboring players would need to reevaluate their own fleet orders to see if they need to be rerouted. Then the original player may change its mind and set the fleet on yet a new course. Multithreading only gets you so far. I’m not saying such a thing would cripple turn times, but you can’t hand wave it away with “multiple cores”.

Anyway, if it’s a design decision you don’t like, that’s fine. Can’t please 'em all. :) I was fine with the mechanic in SOTS and I’m fine with it here.

I agree with Kevin. Not being able to reissue move orders keeps things simple. Also, I think it adds some gravitas when issuing move orders. Time in transit becomes more important.

I’m surprised I’m not getting more out of this. I liked Endless Space quite a bit. I guess I’ve always preferred earth bound 4Xs. It’s seems difficult to make things in space more interesting when it should be the opposite. I still think it’s mostly based on my inability to just look at the map like I can in something like Civ and know what type of cities I may put where. The terrain is easier to read.

In Endless Space 2 I have to actually click through to the system and examine each planet, look at the anomalies, etc. It just takes more effort.

Oooo, this is a new one for me.

I pretty much agree with Kevin. I’ve had lots of fun with ES2. I’ve played through three games with no significant bugs. I’ve started and abandoned a few other games, again with few if any bugs. I think I’ve got eighty hours or so now. I recall seeing a “UI_Element” field in one message. Um…can’t think of any others. I know not everyone has been so lucky, but that’s been my experience.

Like Kevin, I feel myself being distracted by other new shiny things (in my case, Dungeon Warfare), but that always happens with me and games.

And I like the design decision to commit ships. It makes me think twice before deciding where to send something.

I don’t think the game even makes sense tactically without committing ships to their courses. However there is one problem that arises: it’s easy to misclick and send the wrong fleet on a lengthy journey across the galaxy.

Possibly a multiturn mission should not initiate its actual movement until you click the -> button, so the action can be revoked if it turns out to be mistaken. Not sure if this would turn out to be more annoying than not for most ordinary 2-3 turn courses, but it’s surely a pain to think you’re clicking an explorer’s movement to cross an unlinked gulf and then realize too late it was really a warfleet.


Fixed an issue where events and Academy quests had missing texts
Fixed an issue where political events of global, Academy and Academy - Finale quests had missing GUI elements
Fixed a problem in some broken saves due to outpost migration (reported here[www.games2gether.com])
Fixed issues where the depletion was broken depending of game speed
Fixed an issue on the victory stats screen where the stats displayed were broken
Fixed Rebellion value not being saved when a Vodyani ark detaches/reattaches
Fixed an issue where the Pacifist Conversion icon didn’t appear on the colonized systems after the Unfallen entwine them
Fixed the faction displayed in the save files list
Fixed an issue where it was possible to queue multiple terraformation actions for the same planet
Fixed an issue where the “Probe instructions” were still active after opening a Game Menu sub screen
Fixed some bleeding text
Fixed tooltip for science, economic and wonder victories
Fixed empire swap in diplomacy screen when in alliance (sometimes, the sector shows the Unknown (?) state instead of the correct diplomatic state between the inspected empire and your alliance)
Fixed infinite buildings auto replacement causing issues
Fixed Vodyani system capture causing errors in rare cases
Fixed issue with metaplot achievements “Sins of the Fathers” & “Ctrl + Alt + Delete”, they now work as intended
Fixed Unique Planets not getting the destroyed planet visual
Fixed Game Creation Screen messed up in some resolutions
Fixed new game Multiplayer Join button missing translation in some languages
Fixed ground battle infinite turn
Fixed ‘Blockade Breakers’ trait not working
Fixed Guardian curiosities being triggered on Vodyani systems
Fixed siege status not updating when the diplomatic relation with the node influence owner changed
Fixed Vodyani leechers behaving incorrectly on systems with low population
Fixed an error with Riftborn Carriers stuck warping into battle
Fixed the victory progression feedbacks for Wonder victory in the Empire screen and take into account alliances
Fixed anarchy duration estimation in Government Selection screen
Fixed Unfallen systems becoming unentwined after a successful invasion
Fixed the ‘Implant Beacon’ action canceling itself on Lost star systems
Fixed a bug where the button for loading the last mods were enabled even if it contained missing mods, causing the game to crash if the user used the feature
Fixed an infinite turn caused by fleets which couldn’t be sold by the bailiff when in orbit
Effects of the starting technologies are now displayed in their tooltips
Loading a save game while the Client is in the space battle loading screen no longer results in a stuck state
The minor faction influence bar is no longer inconsistent with the current diplomatic relation after using the Cease Fire action
Arrow keys are now functional in the “System management” or “Planet” scan views
The user is now able to use the Destroy Planet action in his own influence area
Laws can no longer be abolished on the same turn they were passed
Exiting to Desktop menu option no longer takes the user to the title screen instead of the Desktop
User cannot take over Unfallen systems using Pacifist Conversion
Dust, Influence and Manpower now display accurate values in there tooltip
United Empire Chapter 3. No Turning Back Icons are no longer cut off at the top in the Quest panel
Fixed the war exhaustion trend which was not working with game speed
Fixed an issue where activatated a mod and try to change the victories option wasn’t working
Fixed several flow problems at the end of the game in multiplayer:
The client now handles the host disconnection better
The end game videos are launched after the game is done unloading (to avoid odd behaviors like the video being launched twice)

The technology helper is now active only for human players making the end turn less long

Added more accurate handling of ship design and strategic resources for hulls and advanced slots
Unfallen will not detect your system as theirs in regards to trespassing anymore when they have rooted it
Added a failsafe to allow the AI to keep making decisions if it enters a stuck state
Removed lifeforce compensation for easier AIs
Quest armies no longer try to roam outside of the assigned constellation, causing them to get stuck (Issue was visible in Cravers Quest Of Our Own Brood - Part 1). Now the Quest armies continue to roam in their own constellation
The AI no longer spams mood messages
The AI now retreats less frequently
Fixed AI refusing map sharing after having hinted at it with a mood message
The AI will now check it is not at war with the player before going for an opportunistic war
The AI will now evaluate Map Sharing better
Fixed handling of rare resources
Fixed a loop in AI behavior when idle
Fixed allocation of Influence
Fixed all costs of diplomatic terms for AI
Tweaked transitions duration so AI asks for map sharing less often and can ask for peace more often
Fixed assessment of shipdesign costs for AI
Improved AI colonization behavior
Increased AI aggressiveness
Better evaluation of trade agreement terms

Fixed Ace/Lousy Senator traits effect on Election Actions costs
Fixed Optimal Defense I, II and Sub-Optimal Defense traits not affecting ships’ maximum health
Fixed the missing lava colonization for custom timelords
now the system with the academy will at least have 2 planets in order to be colonized
Fixed an issue where the Stage 2 Science & Exploration deed was giving a stage 5 Luxury reward
Fixed a weapon short range issue
Fixed Endless Research Park happiness bonus displayed as coming from Obelisk of All Space-Time
Cravers’ third population collection bonus is now functional
Fixed “Deadly Intent Bill” Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
Fixed “Mine’s Bigger Decree” Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
Gargantuan Populations now impact System Growth rather than Net System Growth for a more consistent behavior
Changed cost of the Blockade Breakers faction trait from 25 to 15
Scrapping now gives a very small amount of Dust (1% of Industry cost)
Reduced base value for ship sales
Fixed feedback of the Cravers Hero skill “Endless Consumption”
Fixed approval level of Empire not affecting Empire Dust & Science
“Endless Research Parks and Endless World” now applies bonuses to Empire
Fixed prerequisite for Map Sharing now properly available in Cold War & Peace
FIxed an issue where the hero prices sometimes fall to 0
Deposits are now forbidden on Destroyed planets
Fixed Wonder quantity based on galaxy size
Dense atmosphere are now forbidden on Barren planets
Refined the experience threshold to fit with the name associated to the experience level
Updated constraints for neutral laws to fit with the new experience threshold
Minor factions on their home systems will now grow twice as slowly
Increased resource cost of the System Modernization
Fixed the primary trait Extreme Foremen not working in certain custom faction cases
Fixed custom faction with Lumeris visual affinity being unable to build or create Colonizer ships
Fixed Ship Bound custom factions with Lumeris visual affinity not being able to produce more Arks
Fixed Ship Bound factions starting with no colonizable planets
Starting on a planet now allows the player to colonize all planets of this type

Synchronized the AI states for clients in order to update correctly the end turn tooltip in multiplayer games
Added a non-blocking message window, used when the host leaves or returns to lobby, so that the client starts returning to the lobby without waiting for the player to validate
Fixed the objective tooltip in Notifications Deeds
Fixed some tooltips in the Custom Faction screen
Fixed tooltips in Empire Screen for Science, Economic and Wonder victories

The quest Flight of Prototype (Minor Faction Quest) no longer displays a placeholder name
Vodyani are now able to achieve the competitive quest Founders Keepers
Added effects feedbacks on Unfallen last Rewards Fireforming and Heart’s Embrace
Inverted the two rewards of Chapter 2 of the Riftborn Faction > A Rebuke From High
Objective of Chapter 4. Who are we? (RiftbornFaction Quest) was too difficult. Its new objective is “pass X Ecologist laws” instead of a required amount of support of the Ecologist ideology in the Senate
In the Lumeris Main Quest Chapter 2. A Matter of Influence Part 1, the objective wasn’t well communicated. New Objective: C1: reach 20% Industrialist score in X Systems / C2: reach 20% Ecologist score in X Systems
In the Vodyani Chapter 4. Hope in Heresy Part 1, destroying 3 planets was too difficult. The player must now destroy 2 planets
A hidden quest track if the player find Sykagoja planet. If they finds it, the quest Cartographer request will not be triggered
If the player finds the planet Sykagoja while doing the Cartographer Request Quest, then the quest fails

Fixed numerous sources of desyncs (if you encounter some)

Updated the tutorial to allow to build the Wonder Victory
Fixed Academy discovery not working in beginner tutorial

Added an initial random rotation to each planet in the system management view
Players (not only the host) in a multiplayer session can now save the game
Added two Minor Faction notifications (Suzerain Changed and Under Influence)
Added feedback in the report notification and advance report screens
The user was not informed about the resources won in a space battle
Added a feedback when the opponent retreats

Added constraints on deposit / anomaly placement to avoid duplicate elements on the same planets and more than 2 of an element
Added a constraint to have at least 1 quantity of lux / strat deposits

Added more nebulae and stellar winds in Galaxy Spiral 8

Updated credits

Important note: in the event that you would encounter unexpected issues with this build, we are keeping version 1.0.52 available as a back-up branch.

How to access this 1.0.52 backup version if necessary:
Right click on the game in your Steam Library
Go to the “Betas” tab
Select the 1.0.52 backup version in the drown-down list

Nice looking patch, I may actually play my copy now.

I got this email today from Amplitude Studios about unlocking some kind of special hero. Dunno if it’ll work for everyone or if you need some kind of account with them.

Thanks so much, it worked for me!

I finally got around to starting a Craver campaign. Despite what others upthread found, they seem super strong to me. The issues of depletion are easily solved by moving your Craver population (or most of it) on to ‘fresh’ planets, leaving behind captured non-Cravers and a token Craver to keep them enslaved for bonus resources.

The early bonuses Cravers generate really snowball you - you get a huge boost to your initial infrastructure, and then you can start conquering enemy empires at a rapid pace.

or BEFRIENDING enemy empires at a rapid pace!

…right?..right? :(

Wrong game. Cravers are not Blorg and this is not Stellaris. ;)

I actually think a lot of people online are seriously misunderstanding the Cravers and the depletion mechanic. I too misunderstood how it works.

Cravers get a bonus on undepleted planets. This is quite significant: +50% FIDSI flat out great, and this bonus is included in the (numerous) buildings that add a bonus per population.

They do not get this bonus on undepleted planets. But that’s it - there’s no penalty. This means that Cravers function like a plague, devouring planets, and then moving on. Since other races have their own bonuses, I bring in slaves I’ve captured in my wars and ship them back to my depleted core planets, where a small group of Cravers enslave them for even more bonus FIDSI. Meanwhile the Craver population are moved on to freshly conquered planets, where they start the process again.

I see a lot of people asking ‘how do I get rid of Cravers? They are devouring my planets!’ as if this is some sort of problem!

Kind of thematically nonsensical though.

“Actually, we only use up the precious Crave juice… the juice we CRAVE! Which is useless for all other species. And then we move on. Gotta get that juice!”

“Maybe we should figure out a way to sustainably harvest the juice?”


I’m pretty sure Cravers get a 25% FIDS penalty to depleted planets

Interesting. I must have missed that.

Either way, there’s really no reason for a Craver pop to work on a depleted world.

Doesn’t matter since all races get that penalty on a depleted planet. It’s the planet that is depleted. In fact I think other races have an even bigger penalty (I think it halves the planet’s output), though I haven’t played or looked at it in a while.

It might work fine after they tweaked it, it used to be a planet would be depleted in like 7-8 turns. So you’d get a bonus on a planet that didn’t produce anything anyway and then once it was built up enough to be useful, it forever had a penalty.

They made depletion take at least twice as long last time I looked.

Edit: Looked it up quick to be sure, depletion takes a planet to 50% FIDS.