Endless Space 2

Does the AI have trouble with pirates?

I keep hoping they’ll make changes to the AI to make it much more aggressive and tougher.

Some do. The Unfallen and Voydani seem to, particularly. They can be turned off.

I hope they’ll make the AI a bit more aggressive, too. Especially the Cravers. But one issue is that it’s rarely optimal to fight, and having the AIs fight amongst themselves might even make it less of a challenge for a peaceful player.

In this case they need to be able to pivot towards the player a tad more and squabble less amoungst themselves. I’ve taken to thinking about modding in limits to alliances or even telling myself I can only ally with one other race that matches my ideology (or not at all). I’ve won many games by allying.

There’s nothing sadder than whiny Cravers.

Hey folks!

I wanted to share a few video links from a lesser known youtuber named The Nose Plays!

I’ve found his videos to be informative regarding game mechanics and entertaining as well.



COMBAT TIPS (combat tips begin @ 13:98)

I hope you guys find these videos as useful as I have!

I figured it all out on my lonesome. And in actuality it is the only game with a strange interface I actually had fun trying to figure out as the immersiveness of everything going on just hit it out of the park.

HOI IV on the other hand? Gah yuk.

I’ve been struggling trying to decide what to get during the summer steam sale and I noticed today that all the DLC for this is 50% off.

I didn’t have any of it so I decided to grab it all for about 8 bucks. $5 of that is the Vaulter DLC so I assume that’s the biggest DLC content-wise. There was also a ton of free DLC I hadn’t installed so I grabbed all of that too.

I guess I’m going to have to get back into playing this now. Has anyone played as the Vaulters? How is the game these days? They’ve surely put a ton of work into it since release. I see one of the free DLC adds carriers/fighters which sounds like fun.

Vaulters are great, and I think the game is well worth owning in its current state. New content on the way, too.

The alternative opinion is that I put it down after 4 hours and went back to Stellaris.

I agree with this, i picked up in March and played it pretty heavily for a few weeks. I hadn’t heard about the new content yet sounds good I may dip back in then.
( background info here that may be relevant is that I much prefer TBS to RTS, )

I have to say, those “The Nose Plays” vids linked above by @Arboris are actually pretty great. He has a bunch of others as well.

Wait, so you have or haven’t played it before? It sounded like you hadn’t since you said you just got it. If that’s the case, if you’re just starting out with Endless Space 2, I would recommend a more “vanilla” race. Not that any of them are really vanilla, but some are more vanilla than others.

More? It’s already got too much content! What more can they add?

I just started reading a sci-fi novel I’m really enjoying. It made me want to fire up a game of Endless Space 2.


Title please.

The last Patreon review request winner:


I started Hyperion ages ago but put it down when I realized it was a Canterbury Tales-style series of stories. I stopped right when the story telling begins, because I’d been expecting/hoping for a single complete story.

But just in the past couple of weeks – for no apparent reason – I’d been thinking I should give it another try. So your mention here is certainly coincidental and certainly a nudge in that direction. Thanks.

I read this series about 25 years ago but I’m pretty sure all the stories were eventually tied together and in the most brilliant manner. I definitely recommend picking it up again.

I’m reading this too.

I just finished the “origin” story of Sol and Rachel.

One very minor niggle that gets to me is that the author uses “lighted” instead of “lit.”

“The sea of grass was lighted by the setting sun…” for example.

Both lighted and lit are correct in your example sentence. Lighted is more common in American English.

I’ve played it before. I got the deluxe version back at launch but hadn’t gotten any of the DLC until now. That’s why I was asking about the Vaulters since I hadn’t seen those before.

I haven’t played really since launch when it had all those bugs and issues that took a while to iron out and by then I was playing other stuff. I’ve been wanting to get back into it and all this new (to me) DLC is a great reason.

Edit: Hyperion is a great book and Dan Simmons is a great writer though I like his earlier stuff a lot more than his later stuff. It’s hard to believe it’s been 28 years since I read this book.

Yes I know they’re correct.

It just annoys me.

So far that’s the worst I can say about the book.

And I’ve read it before. I’m rereading it, and hopefully others, to get my head more into sci fi ahead of planetfall.

Edit: wait, the book is 28 yrs old? I mean, apart from the poulsen treatments extending life to 100 years (we already get to 100 yrs now without treatments ) nothing else so far jumps out as outdated.