Enter the Game Music Thunderdome

I’d not thought about that but, yeah, it’s a good point!

This was also my position. Still Alive is one of the greatest end credits rewards in gaming history. The Plants vs Zombies one by Laura Shigihara is another in that pantheon.

This says as much about them as it does the general lacking of other games.

And I can already see @DaveLong coming in to go on about God Hand ;)

Me, at the end of this thread:

“How is “Still Alive” still alive? hahahahahahaaaahhh *cries*”

Soooo goooood. “Lost a limb, in a fight. Don’t worry babe, I’ll be cool!”

I’d pay real money for a sequel to God Hand from Shinji Mikami in collaboration with Platinum Games.

Also Questron.

It’s an “Amiga” thing.

I’ve probably asked this before, but is there a particular part of the 3 1/2 hour Monkey Island video we’re focusing on?

Starts from beginning. It stops when you decide to vote for it. (Or at 2:20 thereabouts)

The whole cake and song phenomenon passed me by, despite enjoying the game. I kinda meh’ed and then were seeing people got cake tattoos and wondering what they saw I didn’t.

Hell March is a simply awesome tune I had somehow missed up until this thread.

Ah, yes, I was going to ask him to call out the stop markers when he posts the videos, but if they are there in the timeline that helps, even if it’s a bit of a pixel hunt.

How appropriate, you fight like a cow.

Oof, this is going to be a serious showdown next round… I don’t want one of these to be eliminated!

Portal and Red Alert advance.

Today we have nominations from @geggis, @SadleyBradley, @krayzkrok, and @forgeforsaken.

Match 13:

  • Rayman
  • Chrono Cross

0 voters

Match 14:

  • Age of Wonders 3
  • Dustforce

0 voters

I agree, these are getting tough at this point. I can imagine by the finals this is going to be very tough.

I consider no vote a vote, in a positive way or a negative one, depending on the circumstances. Not a cope out at all!



D’aawwwwwww, you poor guy.

The Chrono Cross track was great and my girlfriend liked it too, but with only one vote I had to go with Rayman Legends.

Love & Death just has this really powerful drive and yet is still atmospheric and evocative. Lifeformed is atmospheric too and I really like that crystalline chip sound throughout but I don’t feel like it has the lift compared to Age of Wonders 3 to secure my vote.

Rayman and Dustforce advance.

Today we have nominations from @playingwithknives, @CLWheeljack, @craigm, and @soondifferent.

Match 15:

  • Monty on the Run
  • Mega Man 2

0 voters

Match 16:

  • Bastion
  • Mass Effect 2

0 voters

Metal Man vs. Monty Mole, nice! The Mega Man tune has grown on me a lot but Monty’s got to keep running.

A bit like the Baldur’s Gate track, Grunt just did so little for me and up against Bastion’s Setting Sail, Coming Home it didn’t really stand a chance.

Monty and Bastion advance.

Match 17:

  • The Last of Us
  • Diablo II

0 voters

Match 18:

  • Last Express
  • Skyrim

0 voters