Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

Here is the incomplete list they provide. (@jsnell posted the link above).

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Your call as to whether its cool that Steam tracks and can view your private messages to your friends for example.

They track a lot and this is just the out of game stuff for the Steam platform. Many games (including Valve’s) have far more telemetry about what you do in your games, even single player.

Again Steam is simply following the games industries now standard practice. I think that practice needs to change.

Even of you are cool with it all, its worth at least a look and see what they are recording about you.

This doesnt mean Steam is out to get you, or Epic or anyone. In the same way Facebook isnt out to get you. Just that once that data is stored, well, its only a matter of time before something bad happens isnt it? Even if they are great people that data will get stolen or hacked one day, that seems inevitable.

You dont have to subscribe to my “stop telemetry” position. But you should be aware of whats going on.