Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

That isn’t a routine consumer interaction. Like… not even remotely. People buy multiple things for the same address all the time. Hell, my mother buys shit for people in Florida, Iowa and Connecticut all using one account and one credit card. And those include multiple places in FL and CT. I think she might buy stuff for like 8-10 different people with one credit card. Yet somehow, Amazon doesn’t assume she stole her own credit card. Weird.

Yes, and you have no agenda so we should view you as the impartial arbiter of all things.

You want to police what evidence people submit about EGS. Why? Hell if I know, maybe you own stock or something. But what people decide to talk about isn’t your right to dictate. It’s Tom’s if anything. It’s not like they’re talking about something other than EGS. We’re not Epic employees, we can say whatever we want. I guess since the “I don’t see how this is a problem for anyone” dropped like a rock, now it’s time to police what we can and can’t say for “relevance” as determined by people who think EGS is the most perfect thing ever created?