Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

Because it’s not a good store.

No, people are forced to use it because of the exclusivity part. That’s why Epic needed to bring their A game and they managed at best a C- (I’d say a D, they’re really not trying). They’re coming for the King, but they can’t be bothered to actually try? That gets you shit. People don’t like Steam for a variety of reasons, but you have to pretend to try.

Except for those that did and had it registered as a fraud?

It’s like saying you’re going to replace Apple only… your phone doesn’t have Apps. And sometimes it doesn’t work as a phone. Also there is no time or date. Or anything really. It’s a phone that usually works as long as you only text. But we’re coming for you Apple! No. People would rightly laugh them out of the marketplace.

Epic bought their way into the marketplace, but can’t be bothered to do anything with it. Said buying-in pissed off the marketplace, so they really needed to do it right. Instead they don’t seem to care. People on Etsy try harder and they’re busy making custom shit in their basement, but somehow still have a better shopping experience than Epic.