Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

But that’s what I asked about originally! Whether this was a Steam tax, or a non-Uplay tax. And you were insistent that it was specific to Steam, and Ubisoft were selling the games for cheaper on Epic than on Steam:

The games are on uPlay no matter what, it’s just uPlay or uPlay/Epic (discounted) versus Steam/uPlay (full price).

That sounded interesting, so I’ve been trying to figure out what the facts are. But so far it looks like the Ubisoft pricing is the same in both Steam and Epic, modulo different timing of sales. (GMG selling a cheap Uplay key doesn’t seem relevant to Steam/Epic).

Is the Euro really that low? It was $11.99 on Steam here.

12€ is about $13, so technically it’s more expensive in Europe. But that price includes VAT of about 20%, while I assume that US prices don’t include sales taxes? So it works out to about the same price.

Ok, sorry. I understood “not to mention games that aren’t on steam in the first place!” as referring to the Epic exclusives of Anno and Division 2. Which ones did you mean, and what was the relation to the Steam tax?