Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

I just lost another 2-3 hour game session due to EGS eating a cloud save. This is the reason why I want a goddamned choice on where to buy my games.

Played some Borderlands 3 on my laptop for about 2-3 hours in the morning yesterday. Came back in the evening and played on my desktop (different character, so I didn’t notice at first). I didn’t get the prompt from EGS saying there was a cloud save conflict or anything, like how it usually does now. Never had any idea it didn’t pull in my save from the morning session.

Anyway, this morning I fire Borderlands 3 back up on the laptop and I get the notification asking if I want to download the save from last night (flagged as “Newer”, 10pm) or upload the local one (flagged as “older”, 11:00am yesterday). I chose to download. and… my entire morning play session is gone. I’m back to L7 instead of L15 and I’ve got to work my way through a couple hours of the main story again at least.

I’m seriously pissed at this point because this is the second time Epic cloud saves have failed. If I’ve ever dealt with this kind of crap on Steam it’s been so long ago that’s been forgotten from memory. This is why I don’t want to be forced onto platforms that aren’t ready if I want to play games with my friends.

Epic, I love what you’re doing for developers but you can seriously go fuck right off with this exclusive horseshit.