Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

Apart from the games being on it.

Personally I’ve got enough award winners/AAA blockbusters/indie darlings to last me until I die, but sure. That consideration will be different for everyone. The only EA game I’ve played in the past… 5? years has been Burnout Paradise Remastered.

Same here. I haven’t touched EA games since they moved to Origin and I don’t miss them. Same with Ubisoft. But I’m a patient gamer™ myself with not a lot of gaming time. I buy most games when they get cheap, and I assume these will all end up on Steam some day anyway.

Is that all you get on the store, a one paragraph description of each game? Or am I missing a page or toggle?

Steam has a lot of UI faults, but at least I can find not only detailed descriptions of games, but a handy breakdown of features. Does it offer controller support? Is it singleplayer or multiplayer?

Here’s all I get for Ashen (along with system requirements at the bottom):


It’s very bare bones. The store doesn’t even have a search function yet as far as I can tell. Though I guess there aren’t enough games to need one.

I have similar problems with the Oculus store, and IIRC Nintendo as well (although I think there’s might be a little better, it’s been a while). It drives me bonkers.

Well then gamers are not really “winning” are they?

If the goal is to get exclusives and keep prices high, then it’s not pro consumer.

The first version of steam was what? a launcher.

give it time. they will add more features.

Always see this argument and always find it stupid (no offense) - Epic is not trying to compete with Steam 2004, but with Steam 2018.
But yes, they will add more features next year for sure.

Under that kind of argument, we’re lucky that anytime someone makes an application that a mouse works with it all. I mean… you can only go back so far with these kind of silly comparisons.

So someone pick apart my superior logic here. :)

Why not just sell your game on both the EPIC store and STEAM, but on STEAM charge an extra 30% or whatever. It allows the game to be on both digital service, and the developers get the same cut. People have the choice then to buy where they want, well knowing they have the option to pay the STEAM tax for having it on that service.

Because Steam’s sales agreements prohibit different prices on different stores beyond periodic sales.

I dislike it. Big picutes, hardly any substantial information, no real browsing. I prefer my digital stores to be accessible catalogs of goods that get me informed while I make decisions / buy stuff.
It’s like Netflix: “Why bother who’s directed this movie? There are three great lines of advertising info! And it’s shiny and new. And our algorithm says it fits you well.” …yeah.

I like information and I like a good overview. Hence I don’t like this store.

Anyways it’s meant for all the kids growing up with Fortnite and not knowing what Steam is. I’d imagine this one main drive behind this thing…

Wait what?

two no questions refunds per player within 2 weeks of purchase?

Why would I need 2 refunds?

Steam is the brick and mortar store where you check out a product. Epic is when you buy it later from Amazon.

For the life of your account, not per product.

It’s like a game itself, one of those rare resources you hold onto just in case you need it, and before you know it, you’re done and you never used them!

Since Epic’s store (for the moment) doesn’t have any DRM or required game hooks, they can’t track your playtime, so they can’t offer Steam’s “refund anything less than 2 hours played” policy. Which means any refund policy they do offer is rife with exploits that allow people to trivially “steal” games. So they don’t really have any choice but to limit it to uses per account, although 2 total refunds seems a bit harsh.

Let’s stop right here. They made choices. No one forced them into this position and it’s not as if they’re unaware how Steam works and who their competitor is. So don’t give excuses. They made a choice, a series of choices if you will, and decided not to give easy refunds as a result. It was 100% their decision, and they could have made a different one.

Maybe you shouldn’t assume someone else’s motivations? I wasn’t expressing support. I don’t really care. I was simply explaining the series of decisions that resulted in the situation they have.