Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

Wow Just Cause 4 free next week! Epic is the gift that keeps on giving.

Woah! Really? Man, that’s amazing.

Yeah, TRDS is really good. My kids have played about 2 dozen hours of it in split-screen now, and even roped me in for a little while. It’s shenanigans all the time.

It took them year and three months, but Epic finally gave out free game (Close to the Sun) that I

  1. Want to play
  2. Do not already have

Awesome! And JC4 next week might be decent fun too.

You should still accept all the weekly freebies and put them in your library in preparation for the Gabe apocalypse.

I do that, why not have a backup for some games.

I played some JC4 during the free weekend on Steam. Came to the conclusion that I’d rather re-play JC3 instead (which I have not done yet). I’ll be happy to snag a free copy though.

JC4 is a nice freebie. With all the remasters/remakes happening it would be cool to have JC2 be one of those.

I got the latest freebies, including Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishments, which looks like a good game. But when I try to install it, the Epic launcher says it’s “unavailable.” I notice Hob, from last week, is also unavailable. What’s up with that?

Try restarting the client.

That did the trick! Embarrassed I didn’t think of it. Thanks.

No worries. Pretty sure I’ve had that happen.

That’s one feature of Steam they didn’t need to replicate. :D

“Integral to the PC gaming experience”

It wouldn’t be PC anything if “have you tried turning it off and on again?” wasn’t a possible solution.

Looking to do something with my Epic coupon before it expires, and the Spring Sale seems a good opportunity.

Both on sale and on my wishlist:

Red Dead Redemption 2
pros: most everyone seems to enjoy it to varying extents
cons: I only have an old i5 2500k and 970 GTX

Borderlands 3
pros: looks fun, and I enjoyed 2 quite a bit
cons: I never actually finished 2 because it got a little old after a while (and I don’t do MP)

Phoenix Point
pros: a genre I really love
cons: everyone says it needs more time in the oven

Mechwarrior 5
pros: blowing up robots is always fun
cons: doesn’t seem to have much legs to keep going after 30 or 40 hours, and honestly I prefer the more slow-stompy approach than this looks to be

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery, including any suggestions of games I may not have thought of? (I already own Hades, Operencia, and of course Rebel Galaxy Outlaw on Epic)

I got Journey to the Savage Planet. Looking forward to messing with that.

I used my $10 coupon on Trials Rising and then wished I had just let the coupon lapse. It’s pretty lame that it’s expiring.


Hmm. A couple interesting options!