Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

I would suggest that your bringing race into this in the first place is racist.

True, but they do own 40% of the company.

Are you unaware of just how much money from China has been invested in the USA over the last decade? A goodly proportion of American money is Chinese government money…

It’s Hunny Munny

This thread is really going places.

Why? Do you think we live be social fart rules “Who ever acknowledges it, that’s the racists!”

Anyway, there is no hostage situation. It’s a game, sold by a store that is not exclusively tied to any hardware or paid service. The store is open to anyone with an internet connection. It has some backing from a company that is Chinese.

This is a nothing burger, cooked by nothing people.

I wonder that too. Every week Epic loses more of my goodwill. I guess they are hoping it’s just a noisy minority but the issue has been snowballing throughout 2019.

Sorry if this is a low effort post, but I already miss when this thread was about whether people didn’t like the Epic store because Fortnite is for dudebros.

Where there is fire, there is gasoline to throw on it.

(ironically, this is worse than a low-effort post!)

The launcher itself needs Internet, because it’s based on web resources. However, It doesn’t have any DRM solution, at all. You can launch any game by double click on the .exe.

At least we know it’s not Chinese gasoline.

Or is it? Maybe this is how China takes over!

No, but your vision is colored by race despite having seen arguments that have nothing to do with it, whether you like them or not. Chinese people were not even mentioned.

There’s a qualitative difference between a giant Chinese company, which has real impact and decision-making ability, and small Chinese investors. In that sense, the term ‘Chinese money’ is truly overly general and doesn’t express the problematic nature of a Chinese mega-corporation. weibo buying up facebook is alarming in a way that Chinese locals buying up American real estate or bonds is not.

That’s unlikely to be true. That’s how much they bought originally, but that would have been diluted by the later round of investment. It’s probably more like 35%. If Tencent had used their pro rata rights, they would have been listed as taking part in that round.

But more importantly, the complaint was that the exclusives were being bought with Chinese money. Not so. That money would have been spent on the business plan Epic had at that time: the engine business and the game making business. It’s the $1.25G from last year that’s fueling their buying spree. So don’t you worry, it’s good ol’ American and Saudi money that’s taking away your Steam games.

That’s… not how shares work (unless specified otherwise). When the new shares were bought, that’s a net profit that goes to the sellers. Nowhere did it specify that the shares were bought from Tencent – the value of their investment just went up. It wouldn’t even make sense because the money was needed for funding the store, which means Sweeney and Epic sold more of their shares. That’s how we ended up with Sweeney only owning 44% of his company.

I agree that’s not literally true, and if that was the complaint, it’s incorrect. Tencent got to own 40% of Epic at a bargain, and the money source is indeed Fortnite. The concern is that Tencent has 40%, is only 4% away from ownership, and has 2 director seats out of 5. Effectively, it’s just about a Chinese company, even if they’re currently not exerting strong control.

Epic is a privately held company. They are definitely issuing new shares to investors. In a funding round or through a private investment, that is exactly how shares would work. If it were a public company, you would be right in most cases, although even then they may be able to authorize and issue new stock.

Outside of property, ‘small investors’ don’t generally invest outside their country of residence. Especially in China that has laws on money leaving the country and strict capital controls.

I can assure you, it isn’t ‘small investors’ that own over a trillion of federal debt, or were pumping up to $70bn per year into american investments.

Hey, at least Steam’s finally getting Halo!

Wow, thought for sure that would be Windows store exclusive.

Microsoft looking far better than Epic.

Though I already own the digital Xbox edition so I’m guessing I could now download from the Windows store.