You know, over the years we’ve had some fun political flame wars and whatnot. I think what I’ve taken away from the global and national political debates of the past few years is what I’ll call the “75% rule”
“75% of the time, people are lying to me”
This is what I mean by this rule:
In general, politicians, activists, prosecutors, defense attorneys, celebrities, lobbyists, scientists, and anybody else that is able to get a wide dispersal to their ideas is lying 75% of the time.
This lying comes in many forms. Some of the lying is really what most people would consider “being mistaken.” Meaning that it’s pretty frequent that people are simply wrong, although it’s a bit of a less benign wrongness that comes from being overconfident and egotistical about your own conclusions.
Sometimes the lying is a “white lie” sort of thing in which people spin the truth just a little bit or exaggerate for a “good cause.”
Frequently the lying is just a flat out untruth that people are telling because the consequences of the truth are so bad for them that they simply refuse to do anything that would jeopardize their own standing
And very rarely (less than 1% of the time I think) the lie is an institutional or group lie that attempts to form a conspiracy. In all likelihood anything you think is a conspiracy is not, and actual conspiracies are things you would probably never expect and would bore you.
I apply this rule to liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and socialists alike. Nobody seems to be free from the tendency to lie.
For every single argument we’ve ever had here (except for the religious arguments because this rule is absolutely not intended to apply to religion which I see as a completely separate topic) is something that I cannot say that I am more than 55% convinced of my own position. Even though I might have been more sure of it at the time, in retrospect I think that since my certainty always relied on information generated by other people, I cannot really be all that convinced of its accuracy.
And for every argument we’ve had I have always been able to find reasonable sounding arguments that backed up both sides. In the end I simply choose the side that already fits my values and principals and prejudices in all likelihood. I try to use critical thinking and in some cases I have reversed my opinions but in general that’s really hard to do.
Having said this, I’m sure that some person will respond and claim that I’m just an idiot. That I’m disillusioned with things because conservatism is bunk and I’ve been watching Foxnews too much. They’ll say that they’re totally 100% sure that their position on global warming, states rights, drug laws, murderous astronauts, American Idol, or Jessica Alba is absolutely correct and that only an idiot would possibly disbelieve their evidence that consists of temperature data, the Federalist Papers, jail statistics, diaper receipts, Paula videos, or paparazzi photos.
Unfortunately for you, 75% of the time you tell me this you will be lying.