F-35 Jet drama and accountability

I believe the word for today is Nabelfusselwegrasierer, the German word for “floating gently down out of the sky in a parachute while watching your $0.1 Billion dollar precision fighter crash into the ocean”. It is an emotion reserved for only the most rarefied souls.

A friend’s dad was RCAF and referred to the F-104 as a rocket with razor blades for wings.

Damn I loved the F-104 as a kid, though. It looked so bad ass.

Ditto for me as a kid. I think part of it is that ot looks like something from a Sylvia and Gerry Anderson production.

This all surprises me. Considering the average age of the forum, I thought you would all be fans of the Wright Flyer, or perhaps the June Bug. Wouldn’t both have been cutting edge while you two where kids?

Pffftttt. The Montgolfiers are where its at!

I recently watched The Starfighters episode of MST3k and even though it was basically a propaganda film for the Air Force, a character literally uses the wing to cut a piece of paper, and one of the planes even crashes in the film.

Never hurts when Bill Conti is scoring it.

This BBS needs likes

Nah, this:
