Faëria - online strategy card game

Justin, I just sent you a PM.

I spread the word (on Friday I was in a hurry… It’s a shame I didn’t know about this game earlier) and I have two people interested in these two keys that you have at 15 $ :). Now I feel a little bit dumb about paying for it 25 $, but whatever, it seems like a nice game :).

Thanks, Xoota! I just PMed you my email to share with them.

I’ll let all of you know when I get the keys.

Just hit level 15 and still loving this. I think the card acquisition rate could be a little bit faster overall, but I really like the way they encourage you to flesh out your deck with more common cards at the lower levels. The learning curve has been about right for me as I work through various strategies with my limited card selection, and there are still a lot of good options in the common/uncommon pool. I just wish uncommons were a bit more common, I guess. I’m finding there are a good amount of uncommon cards that I pretty much NEED 3 of in my deck for it to really work the way I’d like, but even after 10-15 hours of playing I only have 1 or 2 of them. Maybe I need to trade more.

After a nice stint of playing green, tonight I built myself a red aggressive land grab/turtle economy/death clock strategy which is pretty fun. Basically go nuts rushing with land in the early game to set up a good gold economy (has very little use for faeria) and keep the defensive troops/structures coming while towers chip away the orb. Seems to be great against green and slow red players, but so far blue’s various land shifting abilities and yellow’s conquest monsters have screwed me up. I just added a splash of yellow monsters for area control with conquest and to pressure from multiple angles with flying.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to what I should do with my initial 250 memoriam? I don’t want to waste it…

Buy the starter deck color that looks interesting to you (or a few if you like). Then start playing / saving for the lower point packs (I think 400 point packs are a nice sweet spot but do whatever you feel like). When you have a competent deck, then you can start saving for the 1000 point packs (for the legendary). I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on the legendary packs, chances are it will be for a color that you aren’t playing so wait until you have a good deck with just rares / uncommons.

You can buy multiple starter packs of the same color too - so if you really want 4 towers of Azreal you can buy 2 red starter packs. I started with Red and it was nice because it’s defensive and straightforward. I haven’t played in a few weeks but I believe last I checked Blue was considered OP and yellow not too far behind. Both blue and yellow seemed to me to need more knowledge of the game mechanics before you could figure out how to play them best. Green seemed like a creature buff deck with some nice ranged cards.

I’d say that you buy each starter deck and look for the playstyle you have more fun with. Don’t be afraid of wasting it, because as far as I have played, 250 memoriam are earned in three or four games max.

This post from the faeria forums has been really, really helpful: Guide: Starter Book Lists

I’m really enjoying this game.

All Kickstarter keys are about to expire, so I just wanted to let folks know that I have one unclaimed beta/release key left from my Trinity pledge. It can be yours for the low, low price of $15. PM me if interested.

A major patch has just been released that changes a lot of the mechanics in the game, including universal strikeback (i.e. your units take damage when they attack other units), cheaper cards, and some new abilities. All which makes for, the developers say, more strategic and faster gameplay.

I’ve been under the spell of Hearthstone for the past couple of months, so I haven’t spent a lot of time with the Faëria beta since before the holidays. Largely because the UI still doesn’t offer the ability to save multiple decks, but to a lesser extent because Hearthstone plays so much faster. That’s to be expected considering Faëria is a board game/CCG hybrid, so there are more factors to consider and more decisions to make. But anything that improves the pace is certainly welcome.

The bad news, if you’ve been playing the beta, is that they did a complete wipe of card collections and rankings. But you do get a memoria refund, so there’s that at least.

Looks like I’ll be jumping back in.

Hearthstone pretty much neutralized my interest in Faeria as well, but I think I’ll check out the new patch and see how it goes. I don’t mind a card reset too much - at least everyone else is starting from scratch as well.

Last time I tried Faeria it was almost unplayable due to server lag. Has that gotten better?

It has.

BTW Faeria did a massive reboot of the game about an hour ago- changed just about everything.

Another 3-day beta session has started with the new Faeria client. They’ll be testing constructed and their brand spankin’ new draft system. I have one beta key available, and the first person to PM me can have it.

If you end up liking it, I also have a final release key available for purchase ($15). Though honestly, even if you love it, you might want to wait until this thing is released. It is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overdue.

Heh, I was just about to post this too. I have a few beta keys I can give out as well. Agree about way overdue, I think I funded this thing well over a year ago and there is no release date in sight.

Here’s a list of the changes they’ve made. If you haven’t played for a while, you may be in for a shock. :)

  1. You Can Use the Land Menu Once Each Turn, For Free
  1. You Can Play Lands next to an Enemy Land if you have a creature on it
  1. You Draw a Free Card at the start of Each Turn
  1. All Faeria, No Gold
  1. Action Points Removed
  1. Auto-Harvest & Cyclones
  1. Cyclones produce faeria at the start of EACH turn, no matter whether it’s morning or night.
  1. If you have a creature adjacent to a cyclone, you automatically harvest it during your turn. You don’t have to click on your harvester each time anymore, you automatically get the faeria.
  1. Harvesting from a cyclone no longer takes up your creatures’ energy for the turn. You can now move and attack after harvesting.
  1. Faeria no longer stacks up to 3 on a cyclone. It doesn’t go higher than 1.
  1. Smaller Board
  1. Ranged can attack a unit any number of spaces away in a straight line
  1. Jump is now Flexible

Did anyone get to try over the weekend? Any opinions on the current state of the game? I haven’t played since I think winter of 2013. I installed the client this weekend, but got weird errors trying to make an account and quickly lost interest.

I played it a bit. As far as I could tell it hasn’t changed one fucking bit since 2013 other than the move to a standalone client. Was a disappointment, and the last year+ just feels like a smoke show. But I don’t know, the patch notes seem to indicate something changed, regardless of my perception otherwise.

My lack of enthusiasm might also stem from the game just not being for me, or that it sucks. I haven’t decided which because they’ve been playing keep-away for so long.

While not comparable, I ended up playing Hearthstone and Card Hunter the rest of the day (and Star Ruler 2).

No, there have been huuuuuuuuuuge changes since the Kickstarter. Many of the fundamental mechanics have changed. Attackers now receive permanent damage from defenders. The gold and action resources are gone. So are the options to generate gold (obviously) or draw additional cards. Lands appear transformed rather than starting as prairies. Faeria (mana) no longer accumulates more than one at a time at each spawn point. Ranged attackers can shoot the entire length of the board in a straight line (including at your orb). The board is smaller. And many others, including a revamp of all the cards and some new and revised abilities.

It appears most of these were done for streamlining, and, I have to say, I don’t really like them. I agree that games could go on a little long with the Kickstarter version, but the complexity and range of choices were some of the things that appealed to me the most (see OP). The last two play tests that I’ve joined have both felt like watered down versions of the game I backed. That’s the way the crowdfunding crumbles, I guess.

Despite my disappointment, it’s clear that they are still working hard to make the game something special, so I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until the final release (whenever that might be). Of course, what other choice do I have? :)

For the most part I liked the streamlining, though the land creation system was a bit shallow and caused vanilla cards to be a bit too good.

I liked it.

To be clear, I still think this is a good game even if it may not end up being the one I was hoping for. I encourage everyone to give it a whirl the next time a play test opens up.

Agreed. I much preferred it the way it was before (surprise).

I’d also be interested to see what folks thought of the new ranged ability. I loathed it. It makes ranged units extraordinarily powerful. One opponent parked his ranged dude right in front of his orb and began hitting mine for damage every turn. The board hadn’t been fully developed yet and I had neither aquatic or flying creatures, so there was nothing I could do to counter it except build towards him as fast as I could. Hope they roll that back soon.

That seemed pretty universally loathed. Turned ranged from UP to somewhat OP, especially with red.