Failing Trump administration. Sad!

Given all the different things we know, seems entirely likely

Tell him that you’re from the Illuminati. That you know everything about him. Smile and leave. You don’t have to even yell. Tell him that Alex Jones sent you to warn him.

Then as you leave talk into your sleeve and say, Message has been delivered.

The use your phone to record his breakdown.

I didn’t realize his base felt so strongly against breastfeeding.

Why the fuck?

Petty assholes. Being cruel for the sake of it.

You left out the best part. Russia stepped in and introduced the measure instead, and the US chose not to blackmail them into pulling it back.

Why did Russia take this step?

“We’re not trying to be a hero here, but we feel that it is wrong when a big country tries to push around some very small countries, especially on an issue that is really important for the rest of the world,” said the delegate, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Emphasis mine. The irony and schadenfreude is too thick to cut!

Breasts should only be used as God intended – for groping.

That’s locker room talk!

Played like a fiddle

Did Gerber contribute mightily to his campaign?

There’s no doubt at all that breast milk is the best food for infants. It’s not even a question in the medical or scientific community. Oh. I see.

But Gerber has what babies crave. Why do you hate America?

Breast milk isn’t a growth industry (hurr hurr), but formula is.

Nestle has been guilty of promoting use of formula in 3rd world countries where people can’t afford formula, and even if they could the drinking water isn’t clean enough to use.

Also, never lose a opportunity to make women ashamed of their bodies.

Seems pretty on brand for the modern GOP.

The wonderful thing about this breastfeeding resolution is apparently we decided to use our full power to coerce Ecuador on this important subject but continue to give them a pass on Assange because it’s not a big deal.

Obviously its idiotic, but The Word Health Organization really can go fuck itself trying to pretend its on the side of science when only last month it invented a gaming “disorder” purely for politics. They & Trump deserve each other.

We shouldn’t abandon institutions when they produce a disagreeable decision, it is the quintessential thought of the Trump supporter.

Conversely when institutions cease to be fit for purpose they should be abandoned without hesitation.

I am not sure many other than fascists or communists would agree with you. Rod I don’t know you, but from reading your posts and playing your games I like you very much, so I am not trying to insult you here.

It just sounds like you don’t know what role the WHO has played in the world up until this point or the good it continues to do, and your only exposure might be when they generate headlines in developed countries for random and minor things. I didn’t agree with their assessment of the research on video game addiction, but why would anyone want to abandon them for that when their work helps even one person/government with malaria or AIDS transmission?

Or maybe you know more about the WHO than I do, and there is more to your anger than a reaction to the video game thing last month, if that’s true I would be interested to read about it if you felt like elaborating.

I appreciate that and honestly I like you too! :) You are absolutely correct I know next to nothing about the work WHO does. I am reacting to something I do know something about (games playing over extended time). So yes, i am judging them based on very limited information. I know its budget ($4.4 billion 18/19) and I know its track record of public gaffes and errors (Ebola apparently being its worst which has led to its ongoing reform).

My understanding is it has two functions, one a technical function to actually help sick people get well. The second an advocacy function where it talks about what it thinks governments should do about good health. It is the latter I feel no longer is useful, mainly because it has achieved very little, certainly not 4-5 billion dollars a year worth. I am happy to be educated on the good it does though, I admit ignorance.

For that kind of money I want a more efficient amount of good in the world. My uninformed opinion (I am not a physician) is that voluntary supranational organisations like WHO have to be held to a far higher standard than “better than nothing” (my words not yours but you get the gist I hope.

WHO should be focused on helping people. Not telling governments how they think they should help people. This applies particularly when they ignore the facts and stick to their own political agenda , like games.

Anyways that is my amateur “how to reform world institutions” ramble :) To reiterate, this is not the “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” kind of thing. Obviously Trump and his cronies are 100% wrong on this and as per usual. But WHO has done little to get any sympathy out of me when they cry “but that’s not what the studies say” around breastfeeding (they are right), when they dismissed the same argument just a few weeks ago.

So yeah my reaction was blackadder like “god is VERY quick these days isnt he?” schadenfreude, possibly not a good look on me :)

Hope that makes sense!

edit: actually there was one more element, which is probably for another thread. But coming from Europe I have seen the real harm staying with tradition and institutions can bring so I am pretty quick on the trigger with “just throw it away and start again”. I could go on at length about that, but I will stop. Thanks for challenging my ideas though, I genuinely appreciate having to think through WHY I said something. I can often be wrong!

Wait, it’s budget is only 4.4 billion? Less than 1 dollar per person?

Yeah to be fair its not a lot of money to make an impact on that scale of a problem. I guess my fig leaf of a defence for my deranged rant last night is they should make every dollar count? Thats all I got, re reading it I think I was talking out my butt :)

Talking out our butts is a time-honored Internet tradition, Rod.