Failing Trump administration. Sad!

Why even tweet that? Does the Secret Service even care what people think?

Probably not. But their boss certainly does.

I think they do. In a recent survey, the Secret Service department was ranked near the bottom of all government agencies as a good place to work. They have a pretty significant recruiting problem.

Social media managers is one of the few growth jobs for government agencies and seems certain to remain so under both R and D administrations.

The SS is a professional organization and I’m sure wants to keep their reputation in tact, no matter who is in office. Presidents come and go, but the SS will be there forever.

(Too bad their abbreviation got culturally appropriated by a bunch of Nazis).

Well, they have a shit recruiting message at the moment, “Join up and potentially take a bullet for a raging asshole!”

Yeah, that’s true. Though the USSS is pretty big and now has field offices almost everywhere with their expanded mandate to investigate computer fraud, computer crime, malware, etc. You could make a good career with them. But advancement there comes with the Presidential detail, which is usually an honorable end goal but now . . . yeah not looking so attractive, I bet.

I actually know a guy who was on Bush’s presidential detail and he has a hilarious story about him fishing.

So is this what Trump’s ultimate loyalty looks like? He seems to turn on anyone who doesn’t perform.

Always. He demands complete loyalty, but he never rewards it. He throws people under the bus immediately and for anything.

Loyalty to Trump only means what you can do for him. Never what he can do for you.

Another nominee in very rough waters.

A nominee for a District of Columbia judgeship took a beating at his Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday when he could not define motion in limine.

Video (awkwardness begins at about 1:54:00):

Damn, he doesn’t know any of the terms. I mean neither do I but I’m not trying to be a judge!

Agreed, but Omorosa did serve as useful window dressing for the administration. I doubt there are too many black Republicans that would do anything more than shrug this off – whatever inexplicable reason they have for staying with the GOP nowadays is going to survive her departure.

No, what Omorosa’s presence at the White House did was to provide a tiny string of deniability for some white Republicans. These are people who aren’t seriously racist (and yeah, you can debate what that term means), and who don’t want to BELIEVE that they are racist or support a racist. Omorosa being in the administration allowed them to hand-wave away a lot of Trump’s purposefully-ambiguous racist statements or actions.

“Trump’s preoccupation with the NFL players kneeling during the anthem isn’t racist, it’s all about the flag and the military. If it were racist would he put someone like Omorosa in a position of power? He’s got a black friend!

Now that’s largely gone.

The funny thing about being in denial is that there’s always another excuse.

No there isn’t!

Exactly. Omorosa was paid $180,000 over the last year to essentially be the person in the Administration that everyone else in the Administration could point to when someone tried to out their words and actions as racist. She was no Colin Powell, Condi Rice or Patricia Roberts Harris, people who earned their position and respect and served with grace, honor and dignity. If she was she would have been let go early on, just like Trump fired Angella Reid, the first female and only the second African-American person to hold the NON-PARTISAN office of Chief Usher of the White House. Who did he replace her with? Timothy Harleth, an old white guy. And what did Mr. Harleth do before he became Chief User of the White House? Why, he was the Director of Room Services for the Trump Hotel in D.C., of course.

I’m not an Omarosa fan, but honestly she’s probably better off away from Trump and crew, even with the serious cut in pay. With a few exceptions (Gen. Kelley for one, though I’m starting to worry about him lately) this administration is filled to the brim with vile, toxic, racist and classist douchebags who are only out to line their own packets at the expense of America for as long as they can hang on by their fingertips. Mueller’s indictments can’t come soon enough for me.

I don’t disagree with you. But I will point out that he has one African American (Ben Carson) as a Cabinet secretary and two women of color Elaine Chao and Nikki Haley in cabinet-level positions. These folks have real jobs and in case of Nikki Haley pretty high visibility. Certainly higher than Omorosa’s.

The fig-leaf to protect Trump from racism was always pretty small, maybe getting rid Omorosa made the fig leaf smaller, but not by a lot

Yeah, but no one has seen Ben in months.

“We still cool, right?”