Fallout gets webpage and official forums

There’s no skill involved in copycatting NMA dogma, Mordrak.

I’m a little slow, so I’m not sure what you are saying. I’m not a turn-based Fallout fanatic.

Ugh, I’m glad you can enjoy it, Rob. I read a few threads and it’s all NMA-ers responding snarkily to obviously younger posters sincerely asking WTF IS THIS GAME?

Can someone please enlighten me as to what NMA is? In connection with Fallout 3 people seem to be tossing it around all over the place, and I’m (admittedly) clueless.

No Mutants Allowed. It’s a forum for people who hate other people. I hear some of them like this “Fallout” game

Awesome. Well said, sir!

I see you have blended in there quite nicely.

“those asswipes from Troika”, yep thats your shakespearean prose alright :P

So… anyone start a pool on how long before NMA decides to officially invade and troll those forums?

They haven’t already?

Yes, yes they have.

Yep, it looks like you just brought it on yourself Kunikos. Good luck with that…

I just thought of the bright side: the Fallout 3 forums are the NMA that NMA can’t ban you from. Hello, dissenting opinions!

That IS the best part of this.

What, you don’t enjoy getting into a flamewar? :) You’re no fun.

I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that’s true!

Well, it’s clear to me what the purpose of these forums is: to create a post-apocalyptic version of the Internet. I mean, seriously, I wander over there, read a thread or two, and slowly back towards the door.

I think it would serve the NMA folks right if Bethsoft decided to just sit on the IP in perpetuity. Jesus, those folks are fucking crazy.

EDIT: my favorite start to a post in the Kunikos flame thread: “I have the pipboy tattoed on my arm.” WTF is wrong with these people???

“I have the pipboy tattoed on my arm.”

That line stuck out to me as well. I think that one quote sums up those forums better than anything.

I was about to post a response to his saying that he wouldn’t like it if people would say “Fallout 3 sucks” when they see his tattoo; it would have been something like “It would serve you right for getting a permanent skin marking of a video game franchise, ya dumbass nerd. You might as well just tattoo ‘I can’t get laid’ across your fucking forehead.'” But I figured Bethesda might ban my account for swearing and it just doesn’t have the impact without it.

You’re already making a big enough ass of yourself by calling Troika a bunch of ass wipes, so no need to ramp up the douchebaggery further.

I get it now. Bethsoft fanboys are “reasonable” but everyone else is just a troll.

Hey, I’m trolling on purpose…! :) Also, they are asswipes for making yet another terribly received Vampire game! :D