Fantastic Beasts - Harry Potter minus Harry Potter

Loved the critique. Thanks for the rec.

“Warner Bros is gonna cuck me if I use too much footage…”

That was enough for me.

Seems pretty spot on. While we were working on it there was a script revision every two or three days, just weeks from shooting. And in many cases, a lot of cool expository detail was dropped because there was just too much plot to get though. IE, the matagots weren’t just dumb panther things, the Zouwu had a personality, a build up to his powers etc, but in the end it was boiled down to a plot device to go from A to B with a burst of action, and all the screen time was spent on people talking and running around from place to place.

Off topic, but Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is coming to the bay area and we got tix! Can’t wait (until January of next year…)

I saw it with the family last July (we had bought the tickets for it the previous July. Talk about having time to savour the anticipation) I won’t spoil anything, but I’ll say we all had a great time.

It’s long though. Be prepared for it.

I had reread the books before and appreciated the call backs.

Johnny Depp has resigned from the series after beng asked to leave by the studio.

I am trying to remember if I even watched the 2nd Fantastic Beasts movie.

I was beginning to wonder if this had just been stealth cancelled at some point. It’s been a few years, and nothing. This does not portend good things for them.

You’re not missing much if you forgot it. It made very little sense… at all.


The ending was bad. Very bad.

And I thought the first had some promise.

I really liked the first. Frankly, it was probably my favorite HP movie- I liked Newt’s character and portrayal, and the main gal, the period setting, and
especially the fact that it wasn’t really based on a book, so I didn’t have annoying HP fans telling me how much better the books were because they’d cut some subplot or another for the movie. And yeah, I really liked the side characters, but right from the getgo, my biggest complaint about the sequel was that they brought them back. Their stories were pretty much done, and shoehorning them into the sequel was the start of what made the whole thing just stupid and nonsensical, and it all cascaded downhill from there.

And just like that I sorta want to see the 3rd movie now.

I keep trying to picture how the Fantastic Beast movies can get worse, and I can’t do it. I mean they’re not The Hobbit bad yet, but, well… the last one just sucked.

The first one had charm, and potential. More adventures of Newt and his Pokemon quest.

The second was, as you said, bad. The ending was miserable, WTF was with her joining? Argh! Bad writing.

Pre 2nd movie me would’ve said something like, I’m sure they’ll explain this better in the next one. Post movie says, they’re not going to do it. They think that all made sense but hey this is also the group that brought us the most drab, flavorless roaring twenties I’ve ever seen. Who knew adding wizards and beasts would make history look so colorless?

Even my wife, who is a big Harry Potter fan, being of the exact right age when it came out, hasn’t had any interest in rewatching Beasts 2. It was just bland

I would pay to see a Dumbledore & Grindelwald the wonder years. I would also pay to see Newt on adventures actually looking for fantastic beasts. Not in the same movie though.

I wonder if this third one will be actually… ya’know coherent?
… and not continue to totally butcher the characters who were pretty fun in the first movie.

The 2nd one ended in a stadium or area right? It was horrible.