Far Cry 3 may be good, but it's a far cry from Far Cry 2

You're talking out of your ass if you think outliers are never given value and are completely disregarded at all times.

Their mounts can talk? Where do I get one of those...

"This week we're playing Tom Chick's 'Far Cryrim,' an open-world turn-based strategy RPG game featuring high scores, social leaderboards, a loot chase, unlockables, and mutually exclusive skill trees (providing the opportunity for meaningful decisions!)."


Club banger

played it for an hour, its ok, but i REALLY see what he means by breaking immersion everytime it gets all consoley..I wonder if he had not brought it up if I would have noticed? Jerk Tom!

Tom: Long time listener, first time caller. Great review for the most part. I think one of the first things you nailed for me were the menus. Within the first 5 minutes playing I kept thinking to myself, jesus I have to hit esc (PC version) like 5 times just to get out of these damn menu trees and back to the game, what gives? And with crafting (although sometimes fun) I kept thinking, why if I can buy high powered assault rifles from an old lady in a shack can't I get a bigger backpack made of gore-tex at a convenience store, or even said shack. Instead i have to kill boars and sharks? A question; Does the end justify the journey? What I mean is, it sounds like you've written out the 'story' part of the game entirely, which so far isn't terrible. Is it worth getting to the end at all?
I don't get all the hate going on, it's a fun game to be sure, but it does have it's annoyances. You people going all jihad on Tom Chick need to chill out. It is, after all, just a video game.

First, about being a bunch of Cs, I represent that remark.
Second, it's not even a bad score...

Eh, I used to like some of your reviews and listened to you, which is why I come here. Then every now and then you'd pop up with an outlier, but that's fine, whilst you do it more than others, everyone does it.

Now though, you seem to do it constantly, and your reviews in recent times are full of shit, and I see in some cases outright lies!

Now I have to go and find another reviewer to trust that isn't one of the top dogs, but isn't one of the twats the does outlying reviews to hits.

Christ, you sound just as pretentious as Casey Hudson with his "video gay me" argument.

Your review ranted on and on about how you had to open the menus to craft stuff, swap out weapons, etc. I don't feel as if that's a game breaker as you seemed highly concerned with this feature. You are also the first person I have heard of to say that it is a "terrible" sequel to Far Cry 2. If anything, it is a huge step above Far Cry 2 in terms of graphics, gameplay, etc. The gameplay is more enjoyable because you don't have to rely on annoyances that tamper the gameplay such as no fast travel, guns jamming up, putting in and screwing in screws, etc.

I dont know what you are on about? Far cry 3 is one of the greatest games in years its so unique and theres so much to do its like entering a whole new world your review just sounds like a whine and rant about how you dont like it for what seems no reason... a much greater game then far cry 2 good improvement maybe you need to get into it more. give it a chance before you give up

Unfortunately Far Cry 2 was a terribly frustrating and boring game even though the author of this review seems to be wearing rose colored glasses when thinking back on it. It is one of the few games that I was unable to finish because every time I played it I got mad and just shut it off out of exhaustion.

While I wish Ubisoft would have found a happy medium between having enemy checkpoints being constantly respawned with super human enemies (Far Cry 2) and virtually emptying the area of human antagonists once you cleared an enemy checkpoint (Far Cry 3), I would take the latter over the former any day.

While Far Cry 3 does have its issues, it is a beautiful game with a cast of characters that I actually found interesting and cared about as well as two islands filled with tons of animals, vehicles, side quests, and exploration to be had. It is a triumph of a game and I hope that Far Cry 4 continues down this path Far Cry 3 has taken instead of reverting back to the terrible terrible gaming problems of Far Cry 2.

I do see Tom's critisicism here. I do. Especially the part about the game not being TOO hard and inticising the player to use creative tactics. Meybe the designers don't realize how good people have become at first person shooters :D

Anyway, its a fun single player with a "falls short" mutliplayer although that still leaves room for hope in its map making system. Not to mean i do not think competitive mode is not fun. I just do not believe it will last awhile.

Anyway, tom's review seems very overly critical, and certainly not deserving of being average (3/5).

Dude definately dont pass on fc3 for your own sake its the best single player fps campaign i have played in years the world is so huge with so much depth with very well balance fighting and an awesome story :)

We've had the "I've never heard of you and hate you" guy, the "I used to hate you and still do" guy and now the "you used to be cool" guy.

I highly await the day Tom gives a game 10/10. That will be a game I believe will solve all the world problems and unite us all as one ;D That will be the day!

Since Crysis 3 isn't even out yet how can you make that call? But Crysis 2 was a massive let down, the Pinger was a cool enemy but the lack of boats, decent map size and any incentive to use the vehicles was just weak, that game was a damn failure on PC compared to the first one! It was a total console bitch slap to the PC only original.

Dude, write a book.

I now claim this land CAREBEAR village! No one is allowed to have opinions, cant go around hurtin sheeples feelings anymore!

Does that mean you have accounts on other sites with the names "Rock, Lamer, Shotgun" and "Laming Trend"? I like to think you do, that you're armed with wit-less handles, ready to pop. Don't shatter the illusion, please.