Far Cry 5 - Hope springs eternal

This game is set in Montana, FWIW. Eyeballing it, I’m guessing it’s at least a thousand miles from the nearest bible belt state.

Map leak 100% legit.

Definitely going to be new this time.

The I-15 corridor is kind of a Bible belt unto itself.

About the game information. Does Ubisoft want or care if this stuff is leaked? Is it advantageous from a marketing standpoint?

I see that a river runs through it!

I’m haunted by waters

I would be more likely to buy it if it includes a realistic fly fishing model. When I was younger, I spent many a summer fly fishing with my Dad on rivers in Wyoming and Montana.

Far Cry 5: Nymph Fishing

Man, now I really want a Wild West version of Farcry. But this? ehh can’t say I’m really enthused about the idea.

You go girl! :D

Here we go:

Far Cry + Red State it is.

I hate being right

I wonder how certain portions of America are going to react to this. Probably with calm reason.

I have to kind of admire the balls on Ubisoft to go down this road.

Well, that design decision will save me $50.

I’m just not up for a “kill the crazy right-wing religious nuts” game.

I don’t get the people who don’t like the idea of killing religious fanatics. It’s like every other game, they will be bad guys doing bad stuff, who also want to kill you. Unless they start throwing in Bible versus and Jesus references, who cares?

I’m pretty sure that cover art is a take on The Last Supper.

So? Why should the christian right in the USA be exempt from the same treatment the team gave other cultures before this?

And they are using a shortened cross. So? I would bet money that in the game these people are killing people, drug dealers, etc. The trailer already implied that these were evil people. Since they are religious it’s suddenly bad to kill them in a game? If this was set in France with some crazy implied Muslim group would it be ok?

Whoa, man. You’re the one that said “Unless they start throwing in Bible versus and Jesus references, who cares?” I’m pointing out that the cover is a direct Jesus reference.

How you got from there to Muslims in France is beyond me.

Fair enough, you’re right, it is a Jesus reference. I got to the France thing because it seems hypocritical for people to get upset about this while all the other stupid stuff we seem to be ok with in games. Now it’s religious Americans, and it’s a step too far.

Well, yes. To religious Americans, I would expect a game about killing religious Americans, no matter how fanatical and murderous, hits closer to home than killing paramilitary drug runners in the tropics or wiping out a corrupted army in Nepal. It’s not a long walk from doomsday prepping and Christian fundamentalism to something like the Branch Davidians.