Farming Simulator 22: This time it's seasonal

It is crossplay, apparently, but I have no idea how it works as I don’t touch the multiplayer.

Autosell economics:

TLDR: 35% discount to best price when selling, no shrinkage when distributing. Apart from greenhouses, where it’s just a question of getting rid of your production as quickly as possible, it definitely seems worth it to distribute as high up the production chain as you can, then store and manually sell the smaller quantity of goods.

Read about a good starter recommended expansion lot in Elm Creek: Lot 56

  • It had a decent amount of land around the field.
  • It’s across from the store and maintenance shop.
  • It’s near the oil mill and train point on the east side.

Solution to honey pallet woes:

Alas, doesn’t seem to work with the pre-built one.

I have my mowing gear and my sheep barn now. Unfortunately, there’s not enough clearance under the roof of the barn to overload my forage wagons (even the second, smaller one I bought after I learned the one I wanted to use didn’t fit). So I just have to dump it on the ground and use my frontloader to bucket it into the food drop point. I suppose I could set up a conveyor, but that would get in the way. Because of this, and because there isn’t enough room at the bakery to use the frontloader, I’ve bought a forklilft, which will also serve honey stacking duty. Though my attempts to flatten the ground near the honey storage have made it rather hard for the forklift to navigate. Also, turns out the AI can’t drive forklifts for shit. sigh
Next task, saving up for a second, better harvester, and converting one of my sunflower fields to corn so I can do more silage.

This is how bread is transported, right?

I tried to flatten some ground at the farm in two different locations. The terrain tools leave a lot to be desired. It’s bumpy as all get out.

When baling goes wrong …

And, Skipper farm has turned a profit without loan interest!! After two back-to-back loan payoffs of over 200K each, we’re in the clear for once and starting to pad up for another purchase. I’m debating which way that will go, be it more fields/lots, livestock, a bigger tractor, etc. Stepping up much more than this will mean I need to upgrade to my first large tractor. The poor cultivator I have is the max my medium tractors can pull for now. Same with my seeder. Harvest / planting day for lots 30-31 takes me quite a bit of a day in-game and probably 2 hours IRL. The slow part is plow (if needed,) cultivating, seeding, as those tools are limited width and just take a lot of time. I think I’d rather have better tools before nabbing yet another big lot. But I could split between a smaller lot and using part of it for livestock. I also need a decent bailer, trailer, loader for things, so farm equipment is definitely needed for the next stage.

Decisions, decisions.

You might want to consider a direct drill seeder like the Kuhn Espro.

I have a Pottinger Terrasem C6F which I did pick up and I think it does both cultivate and seed drill. It looks that way anyway. It’s a touch wider than the cultivator I had before. Looking at the field afterward it looks … different. Maybe it’s a shallow cultivation? Almost like dark soil but you can see the field underneath. The field does show as planted and even 50% fertilized, since the Pottinger also accepts fertilizer. Pretty nifty.

BTW, that’s another UI miss in my opinion. If I walk over or hover over a field on the big map I should be able to see the status of the various things on that field in more detail than the map currently gives. For instance, my crop is currently growing, it should show me if I have the bonus for plowed, cultivated, rolled, weeded, mulched, limed, fertilized 50 or 100, etc.

They put these bonuses in the game but don’t give you the ability to see what you’ve missed after whatever point it would normally be done, which also isn’t explained well.

Lime … when?
Rolled … when?
Fertilized 1 and 2 … when and when?

Yeah, it’s kind of frustrating, especially as they’ve changed things up this time without really explaining them properly (or at least the descriptions in game don’t seem to match the visuals or the yield output in some cases).

Lime should be done when the map tells you to, basically. It’s every three harvests, I believe. In FS 22 you have to do it before seeding, but I’m not sure if you can do it before eg mulching.
Edit: Just tested, doesn’t work on mulch, so it seems you need to plough/cultivate first.

Rolling, who knows at the moment. The game says to do it after seeding, and that seems to be the only way to get the yield bonus, but you only get the “seedbed” field state if you do it before seeding. You can also remove small rocks with rolling, but it’s buggy.

Fertilisation stages are mainly just a question of only being able to do one level per crop growth stage, though things like oilseed radish complicate that of course.

MrSealyp on YouTube did some tests of these. Similar to those worksheets of testing you posted he noted mulching didn’t seem to give the bonus it says it does. But he extensively tested different plowing/cultivation types and how rocks present as well as rock removal / rolling, etc. As someone that didn’t understand when to do what, it helped a bit, I think.

Mulch = only right after harvesting.
Plowing / cultivating after harvesting.
Rolling only reduces small rocks (shallow cultivation.) but gives a bonus prior to seeding if I recall correctly. After plow/cultivate.
Rock pickers remove all rocks (big and small), again, before seeding.
Lime before seeding, even though it will let you do it after. I don’t remember if you get the bonus both ways.
Fertilizer during or after seeding.

Again, those were notes I scribbled because I thought I’d finally found out things I didn’t understand.

But the game presents me with plows, cultivators, disc harrows, power harrows, subsoilers and spaders.

It would be nice to know when I would want to use each one of those.

It will let you do it, but it won’t “take”.

FWIW, at the moment I’m doing:

But that’s not really driven by testing.

With stones turned off and a moderately wide cultivator, disc harrows didn’t seem worth the weed penalty. Ploughs you only need occasionally (and not at all after the initial ploughing if you have it turned off), except for certain crops like corn and I think beets, which you have to do after every harvest.

Incidentally, I’ve been beginning to think something like this was the case:

This last day of playing I’ve been basically ignoring the calendar for selling and just remembering what the high prices are and selling when they get above a certain threshold. It seems to happen throughout the year. Interesting that the autosell price is tied to it, though in that case what does it do for crops that have no autosell?

My best day harvesting … ever. This is lot 30-31 being harvested at the same time. Soybean pricing was best from Goldcrest Valley (through the train.)

Just short of 200K from a single harvest day. Not bad, not bad at all!

sounds like there are quite a few improvements compared to the last edition I played (19, I think). Especially the go-to, deliver etcetera options are excellent and will make life so much easier! I will wait for a version with added DLC before I buy it, but I’m sure I will buy it at some point!

Question to those who played it: have they also improved the wood logging, particularly the loading of the logs? I ragequit after trying to handle that gripping claw thingy for half an hour…

I did not play the 19 version but trees are a pain in the ass. I haven’t even done logging yet. but trying to run the wood chipper with the small arm was awful. I ended up downloading a mod that gives you super strength and cleared the trees on my land and tossed them in the river by my farm.

No idea, I never did much logging in previous games and haven’t touched it yet in this one. I do intend to at some point, but not until I’ve tried the new crops.