Fastest way to overcome Windows file/folder permissions

I still don’t get this.

I have a computer I’m working on that crashed and they have pictures from the last 7 years on it. So I pop their hard drive into a portable HD adapter and try to access the folder with all the pictures.
I went in and manually changed stuff on the security tab of the folder to allow every account to do anything to folder/files. User (me) is also there.

Help, I just don’t understand.

Are you running Windows 7?

Try this from an elevated (running as Administrator) CMD window:

cacls [photodirectory] /T /G everyone:F

(My Windows permission skills are weak, but this is worth a shot.)

You could try Unlocker. I’m not sure if it will work, but it’s worth a try. I’ve been using it on various machines for a few years and it seems to be safe. Use “Unlock All”, not “Kill process”.

have your account take ownership of the drive, don’t just give it permissions.

its under security, advanced, owner tab
(if windows 7)

Taking ownership should work but if not, I’ve always used Knoppix Live CD and simply drag-n-drop from the external to the internal.