Favorite Game Music

Bit of an oldie and probably obscure, but I loved the fact that Darkstone included this music video that would start up when you gave an ingame representation of the singer some gold.

Planescape: Torment
Halo series
Uncharted 2

Oh wow, I can’t believe I forgot about this.

Some of my all-time favorites:

Heroes of Might & Magic II
Fantasy General
Interstate '76
Emperor of the Fading Suns
The Longest Journey (and Dreamfall)
Shadow of the Colossus

I suppose I could make a pretty long list. But in a word: Morrowind. Hands down too!


Excellent soundtrack. Perfect fit.

Great taste sir.
The Glasshouse With Butterfly

Grrr, I’ve discovered that the Mount and Blade tracks I mentioned above are all in .ogg format. Does anyone know of a good, free batch conversion program (ogg to mp3)? VLC media player only works one file at a time.

Hmm, it looks like itunes will convert them to aac format (.m4a), but don’t know about batch conversion yet.

What the hell, people? 70 posts in and nobody’s mentioned Grim Fandango. That’s a damn shame, that is.

Best. Game soundtrack. Ever!

I haven’t heard all the tracks, but the track called Moleman Music is one of my favorites–very Kurt Weil-esque (I downloaded it from a site called gamebasement.com about a million years ago before the internet boom went bust and they lost their hosting. They had tracks from Diablo, the C&C games, just about every good bit of music from PC games of the 90s).

Moleman Music sounds more like a Sam and Max Hit the Road track.

Also, you, too, can download the Grim Fandango soundtrack, courtesy of the Grim Fandango network. I presume it’s kosher, since the site hasn’t been updated in two years, and LucasArts is usually pretty heavy-handed in cracking down on offending sites.

D’oh, of course you’re right. It was Sam and Max. And thanks for the link.

The first things that came to my mind were Planescape: Torment (already mentioned) and Divine Divinity. Can’t you hear Divine Divinity’s menu theme already? No? Liars. Anyway, you can download that soundtrack at Kirill Pokrovsky’s website. Check the right frame (remember those?) for links.

I liked to turn off the music in some MMOs I played and then load up the DivDiv soundtrack instead. I even selected this bit to be one of my character’s official theme songs.

One of best themes I think is James Hannigan’s Soviet March from Red Alert 3, not to mention his Evil Genius theme.

Yep, I am another “music off” guy normally.

However - Homeworld is the exception that proves the rule. The music in that really improved the game for me

A lot of my favourites have been mentioned, but the one that springs to mind is We’ve Got Hostiles from Half-Life 1. A lot for the context - if I recall correctly this plays when the soldiers come for you, making it epic.

At this point, I just want to thank GOG for providing MP3s of the soundtrack with your purchase of Freespace 2. Is there any better music to hunt Shivans by?

I found this through that link

Red Dead Revolver Theme

Someone saw Kill Bill

The sequel was mentioned, but the original Bioshock had a great soundtrack that went a long way towards making it one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I’ve had.

The Ocean on His Shoulders
Dancers on a String
Cohen’s Masterpiece
The Engine City

Most of my favorites have already been mentioned, but my favorites are probably the Mass Effect soundtracks, Arcanum, Grim Fandango (though all the Lucasarts adventures had excellent music), Homeworld, and Star Control 2.