FBI officially confirms North Korea hacked Sony Pictures

I’m not sure NK has the internet infrastructure to be vulnerable to this. They don’t have a power grid, banking system or much of anything else that you could target.

There’s not really much we can do. North Korea is already the most politically-isolated country on the planet. We don’t trade with them, and they hardly trade with anyone. We can’t even yank our ambassador or kick theirs out, because we don’t have diplomatic ties. There’s already sanctions in place over their nuclear program. And we’re not going to fling a rocket or two their way because that could escalate in a hurry and the next thing you know, 20,000 artillery pieces are levelling Seoul.

I wish they had spoken to me first," the president said about Sony. “Don’t get into a pattern where you’re intimidated by these kinds of attacks.”

“They caused a lot of damage. We will respond. We will respond proportionally and we will respond in a place and a time and a manner that we choose,” the president said. "We are working up a range of options and they will be presented to me.

I agree in principle that ceding to the hackers was a bad idea in the long run, but I don’t work at Sony Pictures, I’m not a shareholder, and I’m not privy to the financial incentive to not show the movie.

The president and the FBI can talk all they want, but what are we really going to do about it? Sanctions? Invade NK? Hack their systems in return? I don’t see that there’s much we can do.

Oh, no - nothing like that. Heck, that would just make innocent citizens more miserable than they already are. But say, for instance, find some way to make funny and quite irreverant pictures of “glorious leader” pop up on screens everywhere in government buildings. Or, if it could be somehow managed, force-stream the entire movie on any internet connected PC over there. (mind you, this is all fantasy)

Yeah, I’m not thinking of attacking them, as you say they don’t have anything of major value to attack like that. Instead I’m thinking of doing the equivalent to this to Glorious Leader. You know turn the dictator to an impotent clown that he is.

Kim Jong-un is already seen as an insane man-child in the rest of the world. His people can’t access the worldwide web, so it wouldn’t have any effect on his ability to rule NK.

Ya, just make a million pictures of naked Kim Jong Un doing terrible things, like having sex with animals and stuff.

True, but my thoughts have nothing to do with internal NK affairs, merely how the general populace sees him. This Sony hack will convince a certain subset of people that he is a legitimate big threat, somehow. Relentless mockery is the tool to giving his bluff and bluster no more credence than it deserves. His power externally can only grow by giving his threats an inch of space, and Sony has already given them a mile. Time to roll that back.

Of course not, but neither would the release of a stoner comedy by Rogan and Franco… and yet apparently that made him mad enough to orchestrate a complex international hacking plan.

Even if his people can’t see it, having a million pictures of him screwing goats and crap will piss him off, because HE will see it.

Sony still wants to show the movie apparently.

There are already a million photoshops on the internet making fun of Kim Jong-Un. So what?

Time for Dennis Rodman to go back over and fix things.

It’d be better if there were more, and they were all presented in a giant group.

Sounds like we may yet get a chance to stream The Interview:

Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton, denying that the studio had “caved” by scrapping next week’s opening of “The Interview,” fired back Friday after President Obama said the studio had “made a mistake.”

In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Lynton also reopened the door to a future release of the controversial comedy, saying the company is considering some sort of release on the Internet.

He also said that they would have released it had the major theater chains not backed out. I hope both are true.

lol. I forgot about the Worm and his connection with NK. Has he commented on any of this?

Agreed 1000%.

Let’s hope not.

Seriously, dude could rebound, but otherwise what a waste of everything.

I think Sony releases the movie next summer, hoping to make more money out of it from its notoriety.

Don’t worry, everyone. Anonymous will retaliate against North Korea.

Let’s get it on