Final Fantasy XV - 10 years in the making

I would love to watch those, but I lack the funds (and the wherewithal) to drop $20 on a movie just to watch it once. Can I rent them anywhere?

Plus at this point it’s not like I’m confused by anything in the story, I feel like I’m following events just fine. I just cleared chapter 10.

@Ponicus I don’t want to spoil anything, but I kind of fucked up once I went to the new area by boat (sounds like you are closing in on that) by spending too much time following the main story, and before I knew it I was back in the main game map… having not explored a single fucking thing. Frustrating. If you want to avoid that, just know that “entering negotiations” is the no turning back point. The game softly mentions that, but I didn’t understand at the time the implications.

I’m also like 10 levels above where I should be for the main story as I spent hours just doing side quests and hunts and stuff, and I was still challenged by the content in the main story. Not in any risk of losing though, I don’t believe. I’m mostly focused on the story as the side content, while fun, is no Witcher 3 and as such now I am so far above the main story in terms of levels, I’m just going to push to wrap that up I think.

I’m super confused how on earth I’m supposed to ever get these abilities that cost 333 or even in at least one case like 999 AP’s, I still get like… 3 when a guy levels up, and we level up quite a bit slower. Earning 3 or 4 in a fight, 3 or 4 for long rides in the car and on the chocobos, earning 3 when I camp, it all adds up I’ll grant you - but NOT to fucking hundreds and hundreds. WTF.

Also, DO NOT spend AP on the “gain XP while driving” type skills. It’s… 10. ten fucking xp It just makes me mad whenever I see that fucking 10 pop up on the screen. That cost me 99 fucking AP.