So I finished KOTOR tonight, with 45 hours played, and a pure light-side ending. Overall this was the best video/computer/what-have-you RPG I’ve ever played. Yes. Not “one of”. Not “in the league with Planescape/FallOut/etc”. KOTOR was the best. I’m not one given to hyperbole or easy praise but KOTOR was just an outstandingly excellent gaming experience from beginning to end, succeeding on all levels, with some minor hindrances that I was easily able to overlook.
Sure it had some problems with inventory management, and the party level up system was a bit odd, but those things were IMO mere distractions, not serious problems. I was lucky enough not to experience any bugs, slow framerates, or the weird invisible-NPC-thing.
What I got instead was a great Star Wars experience, a much better Star Wars product than the last 2 movies, and also a great open ended RPG, AND a great power-curve game. I’m not much of a Star Wars fan but this game succeeded in taking me back to being 10 years old and awed at my first viewing of Star Wars. It had a classic plot based on potential cliches that nonetheless worked well in the setting. The music and voice acting were outstanding throughout. The visuals, although somewhat low res, featured truly great animations and had a good visual aesthetic. Also, I liked how each cool type of scene from the original series (ie, escape from the big ship, “I’m here to rescue you!”, destruction of a planet and so forth) were incorporated seamlessly into the game.
The RPG aspects of the game showed the lessons learned in the prior Bioware efforts. I liked the NPC system, and the flexibility to use many different characters while each had their own plotlines. This game had all the good features of prior Bioware games (NPC-based subquests, interparty dialogues, romance sub-quests, etc) but had less of that annoying “oh hey you put 10 hours into pumping me up but now I’m leaving the party, good luck!”. There is only episode of an NPC bailing and it is in context. Also, the quest system that from prior Bioware/Interplay games works quite well here. The dialogue choice system worked particularly well, as it allowed for Dark/Light choices.
So it was a good quest based RPG AND a good Star Wars game. On top of that, I really found the power curve and combat aspects of the game to be excellent. I got my entire party to level 20 by the end of the game, and we were BAD ASS :). That final “storm the command deck” battle against the troopers, dark Jedi, and Droids was awesome. What was particularly cool about the power curve was that since you could choose to individually customize each NPC as they levelled, you got to see 10 different takes on the character development system. This allowed me to experiment and plumb the depths of the D20 system. Also, this version of D20 felt better balanced than the AD&D rules (the D&D rules may be a bit hindered b/c they have to conform to 30 years of class/race/old-character expectations).
The combat was very turned based under the hood, with a consistent one-action-per-six-second-round system, but felt very fluid in practice, largely aided by the excellent animations and fairly smooth movement. (However, there were a few tights spots in pathfinding.) The battles were actually not twitchy-fast and the action queue worked well, but the battles still FELT fast and action packed, and the numerous special abilities worked in well.
The difficulty curve of challenges was nicely matched to my party’s growing awesomeness - there were only a couple of points where I felt overpowered (most of Korriban and parts of the unknown world). There were some points that were quite challenging (early on, also near the end with the final battles) but nothing that was painfully hard.
Bottom line: good story, good quests, good power curve, good combat, good party-fu, overall a great Star Wars experience and the best computer/video RPG I’ve ever played.
Favorite Character: HK-47. How can you not love him, with his cheerily homicidal attitude and bad ass combat skill. I played as a Scout/Sentinel and had enough repair to max out HK-47 and he was truly a bad man at the end.
Most used party - Me, Mission and Carth. Used a lot early and midgame, this was a good balanced party for exploring most of the worlds. I only stopped using Mission as much once I got HK-47 and then got to Kashykk for some of the heavier fighting.
Second-most-used party - Me, HK and Canderous, in the midgame, we shot up a lot of stuff on Tatooine and Kashykk - I didnt really understand how to use the Jedi and force powers until I got to Korriban.
Most powerful party: Me as a Jedi Sentinel, with Jolee and Juhani for an all Jedi party. I maxed out potent double bladed lightsabers for Juhani and I, and had Jolee pump up his dueling skill. With Jolee maxxed out on Force powers and using the Support AI script and Juhani and I going combat crazy, we kicked all kinds of ass. Once I did this, Korriban was kind of a cake walk, and we didn’t have any trouble with the unknown world.
Most memorable scene: the revelation of my identity - sure I shoulda scene it coming but I didn’t and it both surprised me and yet fit the plot perfectly.
Most un-expected setting: the underwater base. Here I am in a Star Wars game, and we have a sequence from The Abyss. But it worked :).
Coolest enemy (generic) - the Rancors on the unknown planet - big, tough, mean as hell, and sooooo ugly.
Coolest enemy (specific) - Calo Nord. Sure Darth Malak, Darth Bandon, The Rancor, and the Krayt Dragon all deserve honorable mentions, but Calo Nord’s appearances were some of my favorite bits.
Weirdest sub-quest: The Trial on Manaan - not only was the quest weird but I ended up with a strange ending - I had enough info to get him off, but then I got the videotape proving he did it - since I was light side I ended up having to force my own client to be found guilty and get executed. Very strange. Went against my nature :0.
OK doke, now I’m gonna start over. I feel the power of the Dark Side…