First they cured the gay and I did not speak out because I was not gay

Now they’re coming for the masturbators.

Anyways, I pray that when we start buying and wearing these shirts that we don’t turn it into something without meaning. The message on these shirts are powerful and not a “fashion statement” but more of a “Godly Statement” for what He has delivered us from and He deserves the Glory!

I demand a Masturbator-X t-shirt.

Complete with a penis faced fox.

The “EX-CHRISTIAN” shirt is the next logical progression.

Wow that site is getting hammered. I was definitely hoping for something to wear ironically. Disappointing.

Why would I want to masturbate an ex? I mean, if you get along that well maybe it’s time to consider making another go at the relationship.

If God didn’t want me to play with it, he should have made my arms shorter.

Wow that site is getting hammered. I was definitely hoping for something to wear ironically. Disappointing.

I’ll take an “EX-cellent” shirt, plz.

Oh, and let me ask what’s up with the “EX-Slave” shirt. Was that guy previously a slave or something? Kinda tacky.

the fundamentalist christian people i used to be around disapproved of masturbation not because of masturbation itself, but because of the “lust” it cultivated. pretty crazy shit on that site.

You make it and I’ll buy it.

They may take our lives, but they will never take … our masturbation!

That is just so incredibly sad, and it’s full of black people too, what, is it ok for white people to masturbate?

Warning: vomit-inducing joke below.

That’s why I only masturbate to pictures of Nancy Pelosi. Problem solved.

No, this is just a southern group that is primarily associated with black churches.


Who the hell would wear that?

I’d be seriously uncomfortable around people who don’t have a wank now and then, and are even vocal about it. I’d always worry when they flip and go all Virginia Tech on the rest of us.


krise madsen

I don’t have to share with you the thousands of emails of the admittance of this shame because you know all too well since you have experienced it yourself. Curled up in a fetal position, crying, because your bed is even more empty and you’re lonelier than you did before you violated yourself.

Oh dear.

can we bring back the awesome word “onanist”? 'cuz saying “i committed the sin of onan” is HOT.

Curled up in a fetal position, crying, because your bed is even more empty and you’re lonelier than you did before you violated yourself.

Is “Violated yourself” US slang for murdered your wife and buried her under the patio?

Can a church be sued for mental damages? I mean honestly, the guilt and anguish these people go through because of their faith is actually quite terrible.

Guilt: It’s What’s For Dinner!

Ceiling Cat Is Watching You Cry In A Fetal Position In Your Empty Bed