Flood of new topics in Front Page category?

On mobile view, Chrome, Android 5.0.1, on the Latest page, a notification of new posts immediately appears and continuously counts upward until clicked, at which point no new posts (or occasionally, one legitimately new post) show(s) up. It will go as high as you like, ticking up every second or two.

Got up to 11 after this shot was taken, then, I clicked it and…

Was back up to 3 before I could take another, and of course, there had been no real posts…

@wumpus et all

Same here. There’s also the notice that sending email has been disabled…?

Whaaaat the hell is happening?

My first assumption is they’re dumping all the front page stuff to that mysterious new category – but then I saw a couple of New threads show up and immediately disappear so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



I’m getting the “new invisible topics flood” on desktop web, not mobile.

Yes, that’s unrelated; has to do with the Front Page migration of Disqus comments.

Potential, minor security/privacy risk – I was able to see the topic titles of these currently hidden threads by refreshing Latest at the right time.

Discourse claims there is a “new” thread every few seconds, and if I click new it says there’s none, the counter is reset, and it carries on… weird.

It also ominously says:

All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent.

At the top.


Once the new Disqus migrated topics are all in place – each one requires a HTTP request so the process is not speedy – we’ll clear the new state out for them.

Guys, I’m scared.

I’ll hold you, Tim.

OK, this should be fixed now! Next, @arpit.jalan will connect the WordPress plugin so

  • new front page blog entries, will get corresponding Discourse topics created in the Front Page category (we may be able to recategorize them as we go)

  • old front page blog entries, will be connected to their now imported Discourse topics in the Front Page category

I’m excited to see the new homepage in some Uber beautiful Wordpress theme. Can’t wait man! Great job everyone - you are breathing new life into Qt3!

I like the way that the flood of several thousand (?) Front Page topics has temporarily rendered the Latest view completely useless :P

Still, further integration is a good thing! Or at least a thing that was once desired, in the dimly lit memories of a forum long ago. . .

Okay, this is now done!


See the comments below that post.

Ohhhhh I have seen the comments below that blog post. I wish I could unsee most of them, frankly.

The Front Page topics getting created now, are ones for which Disqus had zero comments. Feel free to dismiss them, with prejudice:


Loving seeing Discourse embedded into the Qt3 main page. I believe the page in Qt3 is dynamically updated when we post new entries in Discourse here, right?

Yes, it will be. I see you tested it ;)